milta's twelve
interwoven Websites, of which this is the Site Map,
are: I. Julian of Norwich, Her Showing
of Love and its Contexts, Website; II. St Birgitta of Sweden, Her Revelationes,
Website; III. Equally in God's
Image: Women in the Middle Ages Website; IV. Mirror of Saints Website; V. Miriam and Aaron: The Bible and Women
Website; VI. Our Anchorhold
Website; VII. Its Scriptorium, The
Computer of Wisdom Website; VIII. Latin with Laughter: Terence through
Time Website; IX. The Amherst
Manuscript Website;
X. Its Library (Bibliography on
Julian); XI. Heavenwindow: A Web of
Prayer; XII. The Oliveleaf Website;
and the Godfriends'
Discussion List, bringing you a heritage, a word
hoard, Julian's Web, created with
light, from their past, through our present, for your
future. We place these categories in a band at the tops and
bottoms of all our pages. Further portals are being created,
one on St Catherine of Siena,
Julian's contemporary, another on Giorgio La Pira and Fioretta
Mazzei, two modern candidates for sainthood, who
shaped Florence as a Jerusalem.
There used to be an
alphabetical index of proper names, but with Google in place
this is no longer needed. The very alphabet
we write on the Web is sacred, made
of light, praising God, and as playful
as is God's Daughter, Wisdom .
Julian of Norwich, Her Showing of Love
and Its Contexts, Website General/Contemplative/Scholar
his Website presents essays on
Julian of Norwich, an anchoress who lived in an anchorhold
in an English medieval city in the fourteenth and fifteenth
centuries, and it discusses the use and preservation of her
contemplative text, the Showing
of Love, through time. We can also offer
tutorials on, for instance, Julian's
Norwich, Dante's Florence.
Contents (click here for larger type) :
available = Links = Preface General/Contemplative
Julian of Norwich Showing
of Love* || Preface
|| Showing of Love I
|| Showing of Love II
|| Showing of Love III
|| Showing of Love:
Westminster Cathedral/Abbey Manuscript ||
Julian-Related Manuscript in Norwich Castle || Julian at Prayer
in a Lambeth Manuscript
|| |Martin
Buber's Julian of Norwich, 1909
Timeline Anchoress and
Cardinal: Julian of Norwich and Adam Easton, OSB || St
Julian's Church, Isaac's House and Carrow Priory
|| Julian and
Judaism || James Hogg Cardinal Adam Easton's Letter
to the Abbess of Vadstena || Pontifical: Enclosing an
Anchoress, Anointing the Dying, Crowning a King || Dom Finbar Boyle, O.S.B.
Julian's Raindrops
from Eaves || The Soul a City: Margery and
Julian *|| Chancellor/Archbishop Arundel,
Constitutions, 1408 || The Earliest
Latin/English Dictionary || St Julian's Church, Isaac's
House and Carrow Priory* ||
Mary and John: Women and
Others in the Greek Scriptures || Saint Agnes and Saint Cecilia: Ambered
in Eucharist || Helena, Egeria, Paula, Eustochium,
Bridget, Guthrithyr, Margaret, Isolda, Birgitta, Catherine,
and Margery: The Bible and Women Pilgrims || St Jerome on a Girl's Education: Epistula
CVII to Laeta ||
Jo Ann McNamara 'Cornelia's Daughters: Paula and
Eustochium' || Paula, Birgitta, Julian:
Contemplating upon Hebrew || Augustine, Boethius, Dionysius, Benedict,
Gregory, and Dante: Julian's Mystical Philosophers || Augustine Confessions . Ed. James
J. O'Donnell. Latin text/English commentary. Link
the 1300 Jubilee ||
A Cell of Self
Knowledge: The Pilgrimage Within, Christina of Markyate,
Angela of Foligno, Umilta` of Faenza, Margaret Kirkeby
(Margaret Heslyngton, Emma Stapleton), Birgitta of Sweden,
Catherine of Siena, Julian of Norwich, Francesca Romana,
Elizabeth Barton ||
A Circle of
Angels: Marie d'Oignes, Angela of Foligno, Umilta` of
Faenza, Birgitta of Sweden, Julian of Norwich, Margery
Kempe, Francesca Romana ||
La Beata
Umilta': Contemplating on Holy Humility (1226-1310) || Francesca
Alexander, John Ruskin. St Zita of Lucca
|| Godfriends: The Continental Medieval
Mystics (Lioba, Hildegard, Mechtild, Porete, Eckhart,
Tauler, Suso, Ruusbroec) || Jan van
Ruusbroec The Sparkling Stone
|| Henry Suso Horologium
Sapientiae or The Computer of Wisdom
|| John
Hermit of Farne, Contemplations on the Crucifixion || The Mystics' Internet:
Birgitta of Sweden, Catherine of Siena, Julian of Norwich,
Margery of Lynn, Chiara of Pisa and Francesca of Rome || The St Birgitta of
Sweden Website || St Birgitta of Sweden:
Her Relics || James Hogg. Cardinal
Adam Easton's Letter to the Abbess of Vadstena || A Tower
of Mirrors: Married Women Saints: Perpetua, Felicity,
Helena, Paula, Angela of Foligno, Umilta` of Faenza,
Birgitta and Catherine of Sweden, Francesca Romana, Rita
of Cascia
See also E-Book, Congress
I. THE MANUSCRIPT, THE ILLUMINATION/ IL MANOSCRITTO, LA MINIATURA: Omaggio a Fioretta Mazzei/ Homage to Fioretta Mazzei di Giannozzo Pucci, Presidente Associazione Fioretta Mazzei || Presiede: prof. Francesco Adorno, Ente Cassa di Risparmio, Presidente Accademia delle Arti del Disegno, Presidente Accademia Colombaria || Introduzione: Julia Bolton Holloway, Direttrice Biblioteca e Bottega Fioretta Mazzei (English, italiano) || Egeria, Itinerarium, prof. Pasquale Smiraglia, Accademia dei Lincei, Roma || Uno manoscritto sefardita a Firenze, prof.ssa Ida Zatelli, Università di Firenze (italiano, English) [§]
Rotonda I: Beatus, Apocalypse,
Alfonso el Sabio, Las Cantigas de Santa Maria
, dott.ssa Angela Franco, Museo Arqeològico
Nacional, Madrid (Spanish); Nhora Lucia Serrano,
University of Wisconsin-Madison (English) || Tavola Rotonda II: Brunetto Latino, Il Libro di
Montaperti e Il Tesoretto, dott. Renato
Stopani, Firenze (italiano, English); prof.ssa Diana
Modesto, University of Sydney, Australia
(forthcoming) || I Laudari fiorentini, prof.
Ursula Betka, University of Melbourne, Australia
(English, italiano) ||
Appendici: The
Codicology of the Las Cantigas de Santa Maria
Banco Rari 20 Manuscript, Deirdre Jackson, Courtauld
Institute, England (forthcoming) ||
Brunetto in the Tesoretto, Elisabetta
Sayiner, University of Pennsylvania (English) ||
Visualizing Brunetto Latini's Tesoretto in
Early Trecento Florence, prof.ssa Catherine Harding,
University of Vancouver, Canada (English) ||
Julia Bolton Holloway, Diplomacy and Literature:
Alfonso el Sabio's Influence on Brunetto Latino,
'Maestro di Dante Alighieri' (English) ||
Behind the Arras: Pier delle Vigne, Alfonso el
Sabio, Brunetto Latino, Dante Alighieri (English) [§]
celtico e la Commedia , prof.ssa Màire
Herbert, University College of Cork (English) || Dante
e Oderisi: L'umiltà dell'arte, l'umiltà della
parola, dott. Vittorio Montemaggi, Robinson College,
University of Cambridge (italiano, English) || Il
Libro della Scala, Dante Alighieri, La
Commedia, e Immanuello Romano, L'Inferno e
il Paradiso , dott. Giorgio Battistoni, Verona
(italiano) [§]
da Faenza, Sermones, e la Firenze, dott.ssa
Adele Simonetti, S.I.S.M.E.L., Roma (italiano,
English) || Margherita Porete, Lo Specchio
delle anime semplici, prof.ssa Giovanna
Fozzer, Firenze (italiano, English) || Brigida
di Svezia, Le Rivelazioni e Firenze, prof.
Tore Nyberg, Università di Odense, Danimarca
(English) || Giuliana di Norwich, Rivelazioni,
e Margery Kempe e il suo Libro , Juliana
Dresvina, Università di Mosca, Russia (English) || Appendici: Brigida di Svezia, O.SS.S., e Chiara
Gambacorta, O.P., prof.ssa Anne M. Roberts (English)
|| A Paradiso Document in the
Florentine Archives, Written at Vadstena, 1397,
Birger Bergh, Daniela De Rosa, Jeremy DuQuesnay
Adams, Monica Hedlund, Boyd Hill, Julia Bolton
Holloway (English, italiano) || Ser
Lapo Mazzei Writes to Messer Francesco Datini about
Birgitta of Sweden, Iris Origo (English) || The
Soul a City: Julian of Norwich and Margery Kempe of
Lynn, Julia Bolton Holloway (English) [§]
Miniatura fiorentina del Rinascimento, prof.ssa
Mirella Levi D'Ancona, Firenze (italiano, English) || Tavola Rotonda III : Brunetto Latino, Li Livres
dou Tresor e il Tesoro, Dante, La Commedia
: prof.ssa Alison Stones, University of Pittsburgh ;
prof.ssa Brigitte Roux, Université de Genève
(italiano, français, English); prof.ssa Maria Grazia
Ciardi Dupré, Università di Firenze (forthcoming) || Appendici: Female City Builders: Hildegard von
Bingen's Scivias and Christine de Pizan's Livre
de la cité des dames, prof.ssa Christine
McWebb, University of Alberta, Canada (English) || Le
Des Cas des Noble Hommes et Femmes de Bocace,
prof.ssa Cécile Quentel Touche, Université de Rennes
(français, English) ||
Dante Alighieri e
Christine de Pizan, prof.ssa Ester Zago, University
of Colorado, Boulder, U.S.A. (English) [§]
Santa Francesca
Romana and the Tor de' Specchi || Trauma and Healing: Santa
Francesca Romana || Maiju Lehmijoki St Birgitta's Influence in Finland
|| St
John of the Cross 'If You Would be
Perfect' ||
of Norwich and the English Nuns in Exile Portal || Margaret Gascoigne/Bridget
More Contemplating on Julian
|| Dame Barbara Constable, O.S.B., and
the Upholland Manuscript Julian's Showing Fragment
|| Kevin Faulkner, Spiritual and
Literary Kinship between Dame Julian and Sir Thomas Browne || Kevin Faulkner, Prayer
and Prophecy: Sir Thomas Browne's Spirituality|| An English Nun in Exile:
'Colections': Bibliotheque Mazarine I & II || An
English Nun in Exile: 'Colections': Bibliotheque Mazarine
IIA || An English Nun in
Exile, IIB|| Dame Gertrude More, OSB Father Augustine's Way of Prayer || Dame Catherine Gascoigne,
OSB, Father Augustine Baker's Way of
Prayer: Bibliotheque Mazarine III|| The Showing's
Scribes as Julian's Editors || Julian of Norwich's Showing
of Love in a Nutshell: The Manuscripts and
Their Contexts
|| William
and the Book of Job || Norwich's
Quaker, Elizabeth Fry 'What Owest Thou
Thy God? || Mrs Jarena Lee Journal:
Giving an Account of her Call to Preach the Gospel
Buber reads Julian of Norwich, 1909 || Meditations on
the Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus using Julian of
Norwich, Revelation of Divine Love, Westminster,
1920 ||
Sister Anna Maria Reynolds, C.P., Some Literary Influences on the Revelations
of Julian of Norwich; 'Courtesy' and 'Homeliness' in
the Revelations of Julian of Norwich || Don Divo
Barsotti 'The Optimism of Julian of
Norwich: A Contemplative Essay on the Showing of Love'
|| The Lord's Prayer: Our Father,
Julian of Norwich, Evelyn Underhill, Simone Weil, Edith
Stein || St Edith Stein. Two
Dialogues || Fioretta Mazzei. Blue/Green
Thoughts || Christopher Abbott Mary Heap in East
Lancashire || Julian in Advent and Lent
|| Hazelnuts and Oliveleaves: Julian and
the Trinity || Julian and the Healing of
Wounds || Sacred Conversation:
Contemplative Art || Folio, Manuscript, Paleography,
Codicology || Teaching Ourselvesa|| Ocean of Darkness,
Ocean of Light ||
John Paul II Co-Patronesses of Europe: Saints
Birgitta of Sweden, Catherine of Siena, Teresa Benedicta
of the Cross (Edith Stein), October 1, 1999 || Benedict
Saint Birgitta
of Sweden, Women and the Church || Julian's
Day: Epistle to Godfriends || William Johnston, 'The Path from Hate to Love' || Julian of Norwich and Lectio
Divina || 'Whole
Earth Catalogue'
Handcrafts, Books/Booklets || Book Reviews
|| Bibliography || Vita
Contemplating on Julian
Birgitta of Sweden and her
Revelationes Website General/Contemplative/Scholar
Finnish Diptych, Bishop Hemming and St Birgitta
Welcome to St Birgitta's Pilgrimages
Birgitta of Sweden's Revelationes , Autograph Manuscript, Royal Library, Stockholm, Sweden
his Website gives essays and materials concerning
Birgitta of Sweden, mother of eight children, who travelled
on pilgrimage to Trondheim,
Compostela, going into exile in Rome and Jerusalem, who
wrote a major book, the Revelationes
, placed in the hands of Popes, Emperors, Cardinals, Bishops, Kings, Hermits,
Anchoresses, Laypeople, and who influenced Julian of Norwich and Catherine of Siena. She is
particularly the Prophet for the Jubilee.
Contents (click here for larger type) :
Saint Agnes and Saint
Cecilia: Ambered in Eucharist || Helena, Egeria, Paula, Eustochium,
Bridget, Guthrithyr, Margaret, Isolda, Birgitta, Catherine,
Margery: The Bible and Women Pilgrims || Jo Ann
McNamara 'Cornelia's Daughters: Paula
and Eustochium' || Margaret of
Jerusalem/Beverley and Thomas of Beverley/Froidmont, Her
Brother, Her Biographer || Thomas de Froidmont/'Bernard of Clairvaux',
Written for his Sister, The Golden
Epistle, Amherst Manuscript || Guigo II Ladder of Four Degrees || Both Birgitta of Sweden
and Margery Kempe were
associated with clerics who read Cardinal Jacques de Vitry writing on
Marie d'Oignies Link
|| St Clare of Assisi. Privilege
of Poverty I: Privilege, Testament and Blessing
|| St
Clare of Assisi. Privilege of Poverty
II: Regula Sanctae Clarae || A Cell of Self Knowledge: The Pilgrimage
Within, Christina of Markyate, Angela of Foligno, Umilta` of
Faenza, Margaret Kirkeby (Margaret Heslyngton, Emma
Stapleton), Birgitta of Sweden, Catherine of Siena, Julian
of Norwich, Francesca Romana, Elizabeth Barton || Saint Birgitta and
Florence's Certosa || St
Birgitta of Sweden Revelaciones
Entire Latin Text. Using Diskettes Published by Swedish
Scholars, based on their Critical Editions, and where lacking
on the Lübeck: Ghotan 1492 Editio Princeps. || St Birgitta of Sweden:
Her Relics || A Tower of Mirrors: Married Women Saints
|| St Birgitta Lessons, Syon Abbey: First Week
English. Contemplative || St Birgitta Lessons,
Syon Abbey: Second Week English. Contemplative || St Birgitta Lessons, Syon Abbey: Third Week
English. Contemplative || James Hogg Cardinal
Adam Easton's Letter to the Abbess of Vadstena
English/Latin. Scholar || Anchoress and Cardinal:
Julian of Norwich and Adam Easton, O.S.B. English.
General/Scholar || Iris Origo Ser Lapo
Mazzei writes to Messer Francesco Datini about Beata Brigida
|| Johannis
Johannes Kalmarnensis. A Paradiso
Document in the Florentine Archives, Written at Vadstena,
1397 . Scholar. Discussion by Birger Bergh, Daniela De
Rosa, Jeremy DuQuesnay Adams, Monica Hedlund, Boyd Hill, Julia
Bolton Holloway, Tore Nyberg and Bonnie Wheeler.
English/Latin/italiano || Ann Roberts Beata Chiara
Gambacorta of Pisa and Saint Birgitta of Sweden Scholar
|| The Julian of Norwich, Showing of
Love and its Contexts Website General/ Scholar/
Contemplative || Julian of Norwich The
Brigittine Syon Abbey/Westminster Cathedral Showing of
Love Manuscript || The Mystics' Internet: Birgitta of
Sweden, Catherine of Sweden, Catherine of Siena, Julian of
Norwich, Margery of Lynn, Chiara of Pisa, and Francesca of
Rome English. General/ Scholar || The Soul a
City: Julian of Norwich and Margery Kempe English and Middle English. Scholar/
Contemplative/General || Syon Abbey: The XV Os of the Crucifixion
Scholar || Nicholas Rogers About
the Syon Abbey: The XV Os of
the Crucifixion Scholar ||
Francesca Romana and the Tor de' Specchi
General/Scholar || Trauma and
Healing: San Francesca Romana ||
Lehmijoki St Birgitta of Sweden's
Influence in Finland English. General/ Scholar || Julian at Prayer in a Lambeth
Manuscript Contemplative prayers in a Julian-related
manuscript from Syon Abbey now at Lambeth Palace. Scholar/
Contemplative || Julian of Norwich's Showing
in a Nutshell: The Manuscripts and their Contexts On
Brigittine Syon Abbey Manuscripts of Julian of Norwich.
General/ Scholar || Dame Catherine Gascoigne, O.S.B., Father Augustine Baker's Way of Prayer || Folio, Manuscript,
Paleography, Codicology On Brigittine manuscripts,
etc. || His Holiness John Paul II Co-Patronesses of Europe: Saints
Birgitta of Sweden, Catherine of Siena, Teresa Benedicta
of the Cross (Edith Stein), October 1, 1999 || Benedict
XVI Saint
Birgitta of Sweden, Women and the Church ||Bibliography|| Book Reviews
Table of Contents || Introduction: The Body and the Book || Section I.
The Distaff and the Pen || Chapter 1: Woman and the Distaff || I. Noe's Wife: Type
of Eve and Wakefield Spinner, Laura F.
Hodges || Appendix: The Recalcitrant Wife in
the Ramsey Abbey Psalter, Adelaide Bennett || II. The Thread of
Life in the Hand of the Virgin, Gail McMurray
Gibson || Chapter 2: Woman and the Pen || I. Crosses and
Boxes: Latin and Vernacular, Julia Bolton
Holloway || II. St. Birgitta: The Disjunction
between Women and Ecclesiastical Power, Joan
Bechtold || III. Christine de Pizan: A
Feminist Way to Learning, Ester Zago || Section
II. Sexuality and Textuality || Chapter 3. Sexuality
and Textuality I. The Vulgate
Genesis and St. Jerome's Attitude to Women, Jane
Barr || II. The Conjugal Debt and Medieval
Canon Law, Elizabeth M. Makowski || Section
III. On Pilgrimage and in the Cloister || Chapter 4: Hermits and
Pilgrims || I. An Anchorhold of Her Own:
Female Anchoritic Literature in Thirteenth-Century England,
Elizabeth Robertson || II.
Englishwomen as Pilgrims to Jerusalem: Isolda Parewastell,
1365, Anthony Luttrell || III.
Convents, Courts and Colleges: The Prioress and the Second
Nun, Julia Bolton Holloway || Chapter 5: Holy
Disobedience ||
I. Temptation
and Redemption: A Monastic Life in Stone, Pamela
Loos-Noji || II. Is She Dancing? A New
Reading of Lucas van Leyden's Dance of the Magdalene of 1519,
Liesel Nolan || III.
Scholastica and Benedict: A Picnic, A Paradigm,
Sister Jane Morrissey, SSJ
|| Appendix:
Saints Benedict and Scholastica:
The Liturgical Music, Father Gerard Farrell,
OSB || Bibliography ||
his Website gives lives given to the love of God
and our neighbours down two millenia. Mirroring them we
mirror the Gospel. And in its title we mirror the name of
Santa Francesca Romana 's
monastery, the beautiful Tor de' Specchi, in Rome, where
time stops and Christ's charity lives.
Contents (click here for larger type) :
Booklet available =
Preface: Contemplating
on Julian || Saint Agnes and Saint
Cecilia: Ambered in Eucharist || Helena, Egeria, Paula,
Eustochium, Bridget, Guthrithyr, Margaret, Isolda, Birgitta,
Catherine, Margery: The Bible and Women Pilgrims || Paula, Birgitta, Julian:
Contemplating upon Hebrew ||
Jo Ann McNamara, 'Cornelia's Daughters: Paula and
Eustochium' ||
Augustine, Confessions|| Augustine, Boethius, Dionysius, Benedict,
Gregory, and Dante: Julian's Mystical Philosophers|| Gregory the
Great, Dialogues II, Life of St
Benedict ||
Sister Jane Morrissey, S.S.J St Scholastica and St Benedict || Hilda and Caedmon: 'The
Dream of the Rood' || The Life of St Gregory the Great by a
Monk or Nun at Whitby || Alexandra H. Olsen. Saint
Pega, Saint Guthlac, Hermits || Alexandra H. Olsen.
Saint Pega and Saint Guthlac in the South English Legendary
|| Alexandra H. Olsen, Eadburg,
Lioba, Berhtgyth: Women Associated with Boniface || Pilgrimage to Clare and
Francis || St Clare of Assisi: Privilege of Poverty
|| St Clare of Assisi, Rule || La Beata Umilta':
Contemplating on Holy Humility || A Cell of Self Knowledge: The Pilgrimage
Within: Christina of Markyate, Angela of Foligno, Umilta` of
Faenza, Margaret Kirkeby (Margaret Helsyngton, Emma
Stapleton), Birgitta of Sweden, Catherine of Siena, Julian
of Norwich, Francesca Romana, Elizabeth Barton || Godfriends: Hildegard
of Bingen, Mechtild of Magdebourg, Marguerite Porete,
Meister Eckhart, Johannes Tauler, Henry Suso, Jan van
Ruusbroec ||
The Mystics
Internet: Birgitta of Sweden, Catherine of Siena, Julian of
Norwich, Margery of Lynn, Chiara of Pisa, and Francesca of
Rome || Beata Chiara Gambacorta of
Pisa || The St Birgitta of
Sweden Website ||
Birgitta of
Sweden: Her Relics ||
James Hogg, Cardinal
Adam Easton's Letter to the Abbess of Vadstena || Johannis
Johannes Kalmarnensis. A Paradiso
Document in the Florentine Archives Written at Vadstena,
1397 . Discussion by Birger Bergh, Daniela De Rosa,
Jeremy DuQuesnay Adams, Monica Hedlund, Boyd Hill, Julia
Bolton Holloway, Tore Nyberg and Bonnie Wheeler. || The Julian of Norwich
Website || Impossible Saint: Santa
Rita of Cascia ||
Francesca Romana and the Tor de' Specchi || Michel Perrin. St Nicholas of Flue, Friend of
God. In Progress || John of the Cross, If
You Would be Perfect || Frances Alexander on St Zita of Lucca || Norwich's Quaker, Elizabeth Fry, 'What Owest
Thou Thy God?' ||
Edith Stein,
Two Dialogues (Augustine and Ambrose, Queen Esther) || Lord's Prayer as Discussed by Women
Theologians (Julian of Norwich, Teresa of Avila, Evelyn
Underhill, Simone Weil, Edith Stein) || Dorothy Day of the
Catholic Worker Link
|| Peace Pilgrim of America
Link || Mother Teresa of
Calcutta || Fioretta Mazzei of Florence || Fioretta
Mazzei. Blue Green Thoughts || John Paul II,
Patronesses of Europe: Saint Bridget of
Sweden, Saint Catherine of Siena, Saint Teresa Benedicta of
the Cross||
Jubilee 2000 ||
Benedict XVI Saint Birgitta
of Sweden, Women and the Church || Bibliography || Book Reviews
Miriam and
Aaron: The Bible and Women An E-Book. General
washing Peter's feet, in memory of
Magdalen's washing Christ's feet
Welcome to the Peoples of the Book
In Florence, in Tuscany, we are surrounded with treasures created by women responding in lectio divina to the Bible, in Arezzo, Egeria 's unique manuscript, perhaps prompting Piero della Francesca's cycle of paintings of Helena's Finding of the True Cross; in Lucca, Hildegard of Bingen's superb and final manuscript; in Florence, Marguerite Porete's Mirror of Simple Souls, translated into Italian, a book for which she was condemned to be burned in Paris by 21 Doctors of Theology, 1310, but which continued to be copied and translated as a samizdat sacred book, creating the Friends of God of Meister Eckhart, John Tauler, Henry Suso, Jan Van Ruusbroec; in Siena, St Catherine of Siena's disciple, Cristofano Di Gano, having translated into Italian, St Birgitta of Sweden's Revelationes. And this is the city in which Elizabeth Barrett Browning wrote Aurora Leigh, resonating with the Bible, concluding with the Apocalypse.
Contents (click here for larger type ) :
Booklet available =
Preface: Contemplating on Julian || The City and the
Book, International Congress, May 30, 31, June 1, 2001,
Florence. Proceedings || Our Bishop and the Gospel || Miriam and Aaron: Women in the Hebrew
Scriptures. In Progress || John and Mary: Women in the Greek Testament
|| Divo
Barsotti Women in the Gospel ||Sacrament
and Gospel: Water, Wine, Bread and Oil || Royal
Priesthood: Theory into Praxis || Folio, Manuscript: Paleography, Codicology
|| Jo Ann McNamara, 'Cornelia's
Daughters: Paula and Eustochium ' || Helena, Egeria, Paula,
Eustochium, Bridget, Guthrithyr, Margaret, Isolda, Birgitta,
Catherine, Margery: The Bible and Women Pilgrims | Paula, Birgitta, Julian:
Contemplating upon Hebrew || Hilda and Caedmon: 'The Dream of the
Rood' || Maria Makepeace, The
Codex Amiatinus || Alexandra H. Olsen, Eadburg,
Lioba, Berhtgyth: Women Associated with Boniface || Margaret of Jerusalem
and Thomas of Beverley ||
Godfriends' Cloister Website || A Cell of Self Knowledge: The Pilgrimage
Within: Christina of Markyate, Angela of Foligno, Umilta` of
Faenza, Margaret Kirkeby (Margaret Helsyngton, Emma
Stapleton), Birgitta of Sweden, Catherine of Siena, Julian
of Norwich, Francesca Romana, Elizabeth Barton || Godfriends: Hildegard
of Bingen, Mechtild of Magdebourg, Marguerite Porete,
Meister Eckhart, Johannes Tauler, Henry Suso, Jan van
Ruusbroec ||
The Mystics
Internet: Birgitta of Sweden, Catherine of Siena, Julian of
Norwich, Margery of Lynn, Chiara of Pisa, and Francesca of
Rome || The St Birgitta of
Sweden Website || The Julian of Norwich
Website || The Computer of Wisdom
Website ||
Archbishop Arundel, Constitutions, 1408 || .Elizabeth Fry, Norwich's
Quaker, 'What Owest Thou Thy God? '|| Elizabeth
Barrett Browning's Risorgimento: Aurora Leigh and Other
Poems|| Mother Agnes Mason,
C.H.F., Foundress || Edith Stein, Two
Dialogues (Augustine and Ambrose, Queen Esther)
|| Don
Divo Barsotti, Ascolta, O Figlio/
Hear, O My Child || Teaching Ourselves || Giubileo/ Jubilee 2000
|| Islam and Judaism || Women and Islam || Bibliography || Book Reviews
See also E-Book, Conference Proceedings, for
I. ALPHABET AND BIBLE/ L'ALFABETO E LA BIBBIA : Introduction, prof.ssa Julia Bolton Holloway, Biblioteca e Bottega Fioretta Mazzei (English, italiano) || Fioretta Mazzei and the City, Giannozzo Pucci (English, italiano) || Fioretta Mazzei and the Book, dott.ssa Giovanna Carocci (italiano, English) || The CODEX AMIATINUS: Initiatives of the Laurentian Library, dott.ssa Franca Arduini, Laurentian Library (italiano, English) || The Alphabet: Origins and Diffusion, prof.ssa Maria Giulia Amadasi, Università 'La Sapienza' di Roma (italiano, English) || Some Observations on the Composition of the Bible, Osservazioni sulla composizione della Bibbia, prof.ssa Ida Zatelli, Università di Firenze (italiano, English) || The Hebrew Bible in the First Millennium, prof. Giuliano Tamani, Università Ca' Foscari, Venice (italiano, English) || [§]
II. THE CHRISTIAN BIBLE/ LA BIBBIA CRISTIANA : The CODEX SINAITICUS and the CODEX ALEXANDRINUS: A Tale of Four Cities, Dr Scot McKendrick, The British Library (unavailable/non disponibile) || Jerome and His Learned Lady Disciples, prof. Claudio Moreschini, Università di Pisa (italiano, English) || Bishop Wulfila and the CODEX ARGENTEUS, Professor James Marchand, University of Illinois (English, italiano) || Cassiodorus, dott.ssa Luciana Cuppo Csaki, Societas internationalis pro Vivario (italiano, English) || [§]
III. IRISH PSALTERS AND BIBLES/ SALTERI E BIBBIE IRLANDESI :Irish Psalters and Bibles, The CATHACH, THE BOOK OF KELLS, The Manuscripts, Dr Bernard Meehan, Trinity College Library, Dublin (English, italiano) || Irish Psalters and Bibles, The CATHACH, THE BOOK OF KELLS, The Texts, Professor Martin McNamara, Royal Irish Academy, Dublin (English) || The Irish peregrini, Professor Maire Herbert, University of Cork (English, italiano) || [§]
IV. THE BIBLE IN ENGLAND AND ICELAND/ LA BIBBIA IN INGHILTERRA E ISLANDA : The CODEX AMIATINUS, prof.ssa Lucia Castaldi, S.I.S.M.E.L., Florence (italiano, English) || The Celtic and Scandinavian Loan Words in the LINDISFARNE Glosses, David Moreno, University of Moraga (English, italiano) || The LICHFIELD GOSPELS, Canon Tony Barnard, Lichfield Cathedral (English, italiano) || The Dream of the Rood, Ruthwell/Vercelli, prof. Domenico Pezzini (English, italiano) || Life of St Gregory, A.D. 713, Whitby/ St Gall, Julia Bolton Holloway, Biblioteca e Bottega Fioretta Mazzei (English, italiano) || Fondness for Stories: The Bible in Iceland, Professor Svanhildur Oskarsdottir, Arni Magnusson Institute, Reykjavik (English, italiano) || [§]
Benedictinism Website
Drama, Officium Peregrinorum
Contents (click here for larger type)
Saint Benedict The Rule I, II, III In Latin || Saint Gregory the Great Dialogues II, on Saint Benedict || Sister Jane Morrissey, S.S.J. Saint Gregory on Saint Scholastica || St Columba's Rule || The Cloister Website|| Its Scriptorium Website || Caedmon and Hilda The Dream of the Rood: The Earliest English Poem || A Monk or Nun at Whitby The Earliest Life of St Gregory || Maria Makepeace The Codex Amiatinus: A Northumbrian Manuscript in a Florentine Library|| Alexandra H. Olsen Saint Lioba and Saint Boniface|| Alexandra H. Olsen Saint Pega and Saint Guthlac, Hermits || Alexandra H. Olsen Saint Pega and Saint Guthlac in the South-East English Legendary || Terence through Time, Terence of Africa's Comedies preserved in Benedictine monasteries influencing further dramas including those of Hrotswitha of Gandesheim Abraham and Mary and Pafnutius and Thais, and the Orleans 201 Liturgical Dramas, Resuscitatio Lazari and Officium Peregrinorum || Hildegard von Bingen: The Monastic Context || Sister Victorine Fenton, O.S.B. 'Columba aspexit'; Hildegard's Sequence in Honour of St Maximus|| Cell of Self-Knowledge: The Pilgrimage Within: Christina of Markyate, Angela of Foligno, Umilta` of Faenza, Margaret Kirkeby, Margaret Heslyngton, Emma Stapelton, Birgitta of Sweden, Catherine of Siena, Julian of Norwich, Francesca Romana, Elizabeth Barton || Saint Umiltà of Faenza: Contemplating on Holy Humility || John Whiterig, O.S.B., Hermit of Farne, Contemplating the Crucifixion|| Anchoress and Cardinal: Julian of Norwich and Adam Easton O.S.B.: Norwich Cathedral, 1 December 1998 || Textual Communities and Gendered Audiences: Cloud of Unknowing and Showing of Love || Julian of Norwich Showing of Love, The Westminster Cathedral Manuscript|| The Julian of Norwich Website || Dom Finbar Boyle, OSB. Julian's Raindrops from Eaves || The Showing's Scribes as Julian's Editors || Julian in a Nutshell: The Manuscripts of the Showing and Their Contexts || An English Nun in Exile 'Colections' || Dames Margaret Gascoigne/Bridget More, OSB. Contemplating on Julian|| Dame Barbara Constable, O.S.B. The Upholland Manuscript || Dame Gertrude More OSB. On Dom Augustine Baker, O.S.B., Way of Prayer || Dame Catherine Gascoigne O.S.B. On Dom Augustine Baker, O.S.B., Way of Prayer || Mother Justina OSB || Don Divo Barsotti Ascolta, O Figlio: Commentary on the Rule of St Benedict || Fr Bernardo Francesco M. Gianni, O.S.B. Oliv. 'Si reverat Deum quaerit': Spiritualità benedettina || Teaching Ourselves: A Monastic Studies Programme in Florence
The Cloister
Website General/Contemplative/Scholar
Detail of Ideal Monastery Church and Cloister in a St Gall Manuscript, its cloister to the side of the abbey church enclosing a garden, symbolizing Paradise .
nter Your
Global Hermitage
ollowing the medieval
contemplative Friends of God
, we essay to build a Utopian monastery, that never was,
is or will be, yet always is. Our base is one book-lined
room above Florence, without heat, on foot, but with a
computer and prayer, a global hermitage. In this Website,
still in progress, we present Father Founders, Mother
Foundresses, through time; present their Opus Dei, the
work of prayer and praise to God, their 'School of
Prayer'; give their Rules, their Red/Blue
Prints; then links to monastic orders and monastic
writings, as foundation stones for our own global
communing. We also open our
cloister, our hermitage, and its learning to you.
Contents (click here for larger type) :
Booklet available =
Founders, Mother Foundresses: Augustine, Confessions Link || Gregory the Great, Dialogues
II, Life of St Benedict
|| Sister Jane Morrissey,
S.S.J. St Scholastica and St
Benedict ||
Benedict's Blessing: Website on Relation of Benedictine
Monasticism to Julian of Norwich || The Dream of the
Rood: Hilda and Caedmon || Earliest Life of St Gregory || Alexandra
H. Olsen, Saint Pega, Saint Guthlac,
Hermits ||
Alexandra H. Olsen, Eadburg, Lioba, Berhtgyth: Women
Associated with Boniface || St Clare. Privilege
of Poverty I: Privilege, Testament and Blessing || Pilgrimage to Clare
and Francis || Heloise of the Holy Paraclete. In
Progress || St Umilta` of the
Vallombrosan Benedictines || Godfriends: The Continental
Medieval Mystics || The Mystics' Internet: Birgitta of
Sweden, Catherine of Siena, Julian of Norwich, Margery
Kempe, Chaira Gambacorta, Francesca Romana || St Birgitta of Sweden and Florence's
Certosa ||
Birgitta of Sweden of the Order of the Most Holy Saviour
Website ||
Francesca Romana of the Order of Oblates || Trauma and
Healing: Santa Francesca Romana ||
St Teresa of Avila of the
Discalced Carmelites, Mother Agnes Mason, C.H.F.
|| 'Colections', An
English Nun in Exile || Norwich's Quaker Elizabeth Fry, 'What
Owest Thou Thy God?' ||
Agnes Mason of the Community of the Holy Family || Dorothy Day of the
Catholic Worker || Mother Teresa of
Calcutta ||
and Florence ||
Don Divo
Barsotti, || Godfriends'
Ourselves ||
Jubilee/Giubileo|| Bibliography|| Book Reviews
Rules: Regula Sancti Benedicti || Don Divo
Barsotti, Hear, O My Child:
Commentary on Benedict's Rule || St
Columba's Rule || St Clare of Assisi, Privilege
of Poverty II: Regula Sanctae Clarae || St Birgitta of Sweden's Regula Salvatoris || St John of the Cross, If You Would Be Perfect || Agnes
Mason, C.H.F. Rule for the
Community of the Holy Family || || Padre Fr.
Alberto E. Justo, O.P. Regla para
Eremitas/Rule for Hermits || Jim H. Godfriends' AA Traditions/Rule
Their Opus Dei/ On Prayer: Carmina Gadelica Link || Hilda and Caedmon: 'The Dream of the Rood' || Guigo II, The Ladder of Contemplation || Margaret of Jerusalem and Thomas of Beverley || Thomas de Froidmont/'Bernard of Clairvaux', The Amherst Golden Epistle || A Cell of Self Knowledge: The Pilgrimage Within: Christina of Markyate, Angela of Foligno, Umilta` of Faenza, Margaret Kirkeby (Margaret Helsyngton, Emma Stapleton), Birgitta of Sweden, Catherine of Siena, Julian of Norwich, Francesca Romana, Elizabeth Barton || St Birgitta, Sermo Angelicus I , Sermo Angelicus II , Sermo Angelicus III || Jan van Ruusbroec, Sparkling Stone || Henry Suso, Computer of Wisdom || John Whiterig, O.S.B., Hermit of Farne, Contemplation on the Crucifixion || Julian of Norwich's Showing of Love: The Westminster Cathedral/Abbey Manuscript|| A Julian-Related Manuscript in Norwich Castle || Julian at Prayer in a Lambeth Manuscript || The Crucifix: Jerome, St Francis, Fra Angelico, Julian || The Soul a City: Margery and Julian* || Dame Catherine Gascoigne, O.S.B., Father Augustine Baker's Way of Prayer || Heavenwindow: A Web of Prayer || Sacred Conversation: Contemplative Art || Suor Chiara figlio dell'uomo Ecco, sto alla porta e busso/ Behold I Stand at the Door and Knock || 'When Two or Three Are Gathered in My Name '|| Julian in Advent and Lent || Comunita` dei figli di Dio: Four Prayers || Heavenwindow: Prayers for Contemplation || The Lord's Prayer, 'Our Father': Julian of Norwich, Teresa of Avila, Evelyn Underhill, Simone Weil, Edith Stein *|| The Church's Liturgy Link || La Santa Messa: The Mass in Italian || Il Rosario fiorentino/The Florentine Rosary
The Computer of Wisdom, A
Website on Textual Communities General/Contemplative/Scholar
Litany of Saints
his Website seeks to unlock
the wisdom of books, written by women as well as men,
about the textual, as well as monastic, communities
created throughout time by men and women in shared
collaboration with each other, based on the Bible, about
how to read a manuscript with paleography
and codicology, and about how to use the great European
libraries, questing in them the contemplative treasures of
the past for the future, seeing computers as but a stage
in technology that began with the invention of the
alphabet in creating textual communities. You can covenant to participate in
tutorials, for instance on Dante's
Florence, on Julian's Norwich,
on Paleography and Editing of
Manuscripts, you can attend our international
congresses in Florence on The
City and the Book, La Citta` e il Libro, held 2001,
2002, 2003, and perhaps 2007/8, these conducted not as in
a competitive university, but as in a contemplative
monastery, open to lay and clergy, women and men, old and
young, poor and rich. Indicate what
you would like to learn. A lending library by post
can be made available for you. We borrow our title from Henry Suso's Horologium Sapientiae.
We borrow, too, the memorable beauty and technology of
medieval manuscripts for the colour and form of our web
pages, their 'hierarchy of scripts', and their alternating
and , the pulsating colours of an umbilical cord, linking us
backwards through time to Creation by God, books being
likewise living and filled with the Spirit, though these
colours were lost with the black and white of the
mechanical printing press.
Contents (click here for larger type) :
Booklet available = Links =
Folio, Manuscript: Paelography, Codicology || Book-Binding/The Codex Amiatinus Facsimile || Latin with Laughter; Terence through Time Website || The Mirror of Saints Website || Helena, Egeria, Paula, Eustochium, Bridget, Guthrithyr, Margaret, Isolda, Birgitta, Catherine, Margery: The Bible and Women Pilgrims || Paula, Birgitta, Julian: Contemplating upon Hebrew || Jo Ann McNamara, 'Cornelia's Daughters: Paula and Eustochium' || Augustine, Confessions Link || Augustine, Boethius, Dionysius, Benedict, Gregory, and Dante: Julian's Mystical Philosophers|| Gregory the Great, Dialogues II, Life of St Benedict || St Benedict's Blessing: Website on Relation of Benedictine Monasticism to Julian of Norwich || Hilda and Caedmon: 'The Dream of the Rood' || Maria Makepeace,The Laurentian Library Codex Amiatinus || The Most Ancient Life of St Gregory the Great by a Monk or Nun at Whitby|| Alexandra H. Olsen, Eadburg, Lioba, Berhtgyth: Women Associated with Boniface || Margaret of Jerusalem and Thomas of Beverley, Her Brother, Her Biographer || Thomas of Froidmont, Golden Epistle, Amherst Manuscript || La Beata Umilta': Contemplating on Holy Humility || Dante and the 1300 Jubilee || A Cell of Self Knowledge: The Pilgrimage Within: Christina of Markyate, Angela of Foligno, Umilta` of Faenza, Margaret Kirkeby (Margaret Helsyngton, Emma Stapleton), Birgitta of Sweden, Catherine of Siena, Julian of Norwich, Francesca Romana, Elizabeth Barton || Godfriends: Hildegard of Bingen, Mechtild of Magdebourg, Marguerite Porete, Meister Eckhart, Johannes Tauler, Henry Suso, Jan van Ruusbroec || The Mystics Internet: Birgitta of Sweden, Catherine of Siena, Julian of Norwich, Margery of Lynn, Chiara of Pisa, and Francesca of Rome || Birgitta of Sweden: Her Relics || Jan van Ruusbroec, The Sparkling Stone || Henry Suso, Computer of Wisdom || Westminster Cathedral Manuscript || Julian's Showing in a Nutshell: Her Manuscripts and their Cultural Contexts || Archbishop Arundel, Constitutions, 1408|| Amherst Manuscript Project || A Julian Manuscript in Norwich Castle? || Julian at Prayer: A Lambeth Palace Manuscript || Gascoigne Manuscript Julian Fragment || Upholland Manuscript Julian Fragment || The Showing's Scribes as Julian's Editors || John of the Cross, If You Would be Perfect ||Bibliothèque Mazarine Manuscript: Colections by an English Nun in Exile I|| Bibliothèque Mazarine Manuscript: Fenelon's Spiritual LettersII ||Bibliothèque Mazarine Manuscript: Dame Catharine Gascoigne's Defense of Dom Augustine Baker III || Norwich's Quaker, Elizabeth Fry, 'What Owest Thou Thy God? '|| Francesca Alexander, St Zita of Lucca || Mother Agnes Mason, Founder, Community of the Holy Family || Edith Stein, Two Dialogues || Lord's Prayer as Discussed by Women Theologians || Teaching Ourselves|| Biblioteca Fioretta Mazzei || Augusto Fiorani, Calligraphy Workshop|| Bibliography|| Book Reviews
Penguin Classics, ISBN
Welcome to Latin with Laughter:
Terence through Time
(click here for larger type)
I. Plays
and Manuscripts|| Terence (Publius Terentius Afer, 186-159
B.C.) Heautontimorumenos
|| Eunuchus ||
Hrotswitha of Gandesheim, 935-973 A.D., Abraham
and Mary || Pafnutius
and Thais || Liturgical
Drama, Manuscript
Orléans 201 Resuscitatio Lazari XIIIth
Century || Manuscript
Orléans 201 Officium Peregrinorum XIIIth
Century || Corpus
Christi Drama, Wakefield Master, Second Shepherd's Play,
XVth Century Middle English. Link to Biblioteca
Essays on the Plays:
Tim Taylor, Fathers, Sons,
Duty and Deceit, Terence and Shakespeare, Part I,
Terence|| Slaves and
Princes: Terence through Time||
Alecia Carole Dantico, Desert Flower:
Thais through Time||
Patricia McIntyre, Comedy of
Prayer: The Redemption of Terence through Christian
Appropriation|| The Chichester
Bethany Panels and the Plays of Terence|| Tsai
Shu-Hui, Terence
and Wang Shih.Fu: Dramatists of Humanity||
Richard J. Schoeck, Terence and
Other Roman Africans||
Tim Taylor, Fathers,
Sons, Duty and Deceit, Terence and Shakespeare, Part II,
Shakespear|| Terence
through Time: 1985 Conference and Radio Broadcast|| Terence's
Comedies and Chaucer's Canterbury Tales,
the Ellesmere Manuscript and the Luttrell Psalter|| World
Literature: Global Tapestry
Welcome to the Global Hermitage's Library (Biblioteca e Bottega Fioretta Mazzei)
ALEPH=Bible Commentaries/ Hebraism, Islam/ Alphabet, Babylonian/Egyptian, Hebrew Bible, Greek Testament, Bible, Early Christianity, Desert Fathers, Greek/Russian Orthodoxy, Latin Christianity, Celtic Christianity, Anglo-Saxon Christianity, Hagiography, Medieval, Renaissance Bible, Women in Christianity, Church Today, Modern Contemplative Theology, Modern Hagiography/Biography, Comparative ReligionsBibliographies:
Norwich|| Abelard
and Heloise || Angela
Foligno || St Augustine of Hippo
|| Ancrene
Wisse, Ancrene Riwle || Related Katherine
Group || Augustine
O.S.B. || English
Benedictine Nuns in Exile || St Birgitta of
Sweden || St
Catherine of Siena ||
Cloud of
Unknowing, etc . || Adam Easton, O.S.B.
|| Friends
of God (Meister Eckhart, Jan van Ruusbroec, Henry Suso,
John Tauler)|| Helfta
Mystics || Hildegard
Bingen, O.S.B. || Walter
Hilton || Julian
Norwich, Editions, Translations || Book of Margery
Kempe || Rabbi
David Kimhi || Marguerite
Porete || Pseudo-Dionysius|| Richard Rolle || Syon Abbey || John Wyclif
Equally in God's Image
Bibliography ||
Oliveleaf Bibliography ||
Julian of Norwich and Related Materials || Oliveleaf Book Reviews
Books to Reviews and Gifts of Books in Related Areas Welcomed. We have a library, the Biblioteca e Bottega Fioretta Mazzei , in the 'English' Cemetery, Piazzale Donatello, Florence, to replace our lost library of Holmhurst St Mary. Its holdings are particularly strong in Brunetto Latino, Dante Alighieri, Julian of Norwich, Birgitta of Sweden, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Scriptural Study, Paleography and Codicology. We seek further books on Florence, the Anglo-Florentines, the Oxford Movement, the Pre-Raphaelites, the Trollopes, Hiram Powers, etc.
A Web of
Prayer General/Contemplative
font with Celtic/Scandinavian interlace, design also found
on medieval Swedish baptismal fonts, used for embroidery
on a chasuble.
Welcome to Heavenwindow : A Web of Prayer General/Contemplative
Contents (click here for larger
Heavenwindow: A Gathering of Prayers || Four Prayers: Shema, Lord's Prayer, St Francis' Lauds of God, Christ's Beatitudes|| Four Prayers in Norwegian and Swedish || Carmina Gadelica Website of Celtic Binding Prayers || 'Dream of the Rood': Earliest Prayer in English || Julian of Norwich on Prayer *|| St Birgitta of Sweden Four Prayers Latin || Advent Great O Antiphons || XV O's of the Passion || Julian at Prayer in a Lambeth Manuscript || The Rosary || The Mass in Italian || The Pope's Pardon
Preface: Contemplating on Julian
|| Guigo II The Ladder
of Contemplation || Thomas de Froidmont/'Bernard of Clairvaux'The Amherst Golden Epistle || A Cell of Self Knowledge: The
Pilgrimage Within: Christina of Markyate, Angela of
Foligno, Umilta` of Faenza, Margaret Kirkeby (Margaret
Helsyngton, Emma Stapleton), Birgitta of Sweden,
Catherine of Siena, Julian of Norwich, Francesca Romana,
Elizabeth Barton || St
Birgitta Sermo Angelicus I, II , III || Contemplating on Hebrew || Jan van
Ruusbroec Sparkling Stone
|| Henry
Suso Computer of Wisdom || John
Whiterig, O.S.B., Hermit of Farne, Contemplation on
the Crucifixion || Julian of Norwich Showing
of Love: Westminster Cathedral/Abbey Manuscript
|| A Julian-Related
Manuscript in Norwich Castle || Julian on Prayer || The Soul a City:
Margery and Julian || Brother Lawrence, O.Carm. The
of the Presence of God ||Suor Chiara figlio dell'uomoEcco, sto alla porta e
busso/ Behold I Stand at the Door and Knock || Julian in Advent and Lent || Sacred
Conversation: Contemplative Art ||
Crucifix: Jerome, St Francis, Fra Angelico, Julian || Comunita`
dei figli di Dio Four Prayers
|| 'When Two or Three
Are Gathered in My Name ' Bergen, Norway; Göteborg, Sweden || The Lord's Prayer, 'Our Father':
Julian of Norwich, Teresa of Avila, Evelyn Underhill,
Simone Weil, Edith Stein || The
Liturgy || Fioretta Mazzei Blue-Green
||On the Via Crucis/XV Stations of the
Cross || Padre Alberto Justo, O.P. Rule for a Hermit || Jubilee/Giubileo || Kadosh, Sanctus,
Santo, Holy
. The
Oliveleaf Website General
leaves, Kenyan olivewood
William Morris print
his Oliveleaf Website
is concerned with healing of trauma to soul, mind and
body. It is, as it were, our virtual monastery's
dispensary. Once, at Casamaris Abbey, I saw the monks in
the dispensary giving medicine to the contadini, sometimes
pennicillin; once, where a man had a sore needing to be
dressed, applying to it a lotion from a bottle with the
gentleness of a feather. Suddenly, I understood Dante's
angels in the Purgatorio, cancelling the seven sins
inscribed on his brow with a sword blade, by means of a
feather from their wings, a manuscript quill reversed, and
in what was standard medieval medical practice.
Contents (click here for larger type) :
Booklet available =
Contemplating on Julian || Oliveleaf
Chronicle || How to Make Cradles
and Libraries|| Child/Mother|| Hands, Hearts, Centaurs, Salmon || Mãos, Corações,
Centauros, Salmão In
Portuguese || Fioretta Mazzei and
Florence's 1984 Declaration of the Rights of the Child
English/italiano || Feminist Gandhia|| Oceans of Darkness, Oceans of Light || Souls and Heals, Soles and Heels:
Understanding Abuse ||
A Cell of
Self Knowledge: The Pilgrimage Within: Christina of
Markyate, Angela of Foligno, Umilta` of Faenza, Margaret
Kirkeby (Margaret Heslyngton, Emma Stapleton), Birgitta
of Sweden, Catherine of Siena, Julian of Norwich,
Francesca Romana, Elizabeth Barton || Julian and the Healing of Wounds || The
Sabbath a Bride: Sexuality and Christianity *|| David and
Solomon: Abuse and Clergy || Cruelty and Mercy: Medieval Models for
Modern Times|| Hazelnuts
and Oliveleaves: Julian and the Trinity || Impossible
Saint: Santa Rita of Cascia ||
William Blake and the Book of
Job || World Literature:
Global Tapestry || Jim H. AA's
Traditions for Godfriends || Aleph/Alpha: Alcoholics Anonymous and
the Deaf || Deaf/ Death|| Francis
Thompson The Hound of Heaven
|| Divo
Barsotti, Perche` il
male/Why Evil? || Hopi Message for Humanity || Chief Dan
George, My Heart Soars || Chefe Dan George
In Portuguese || Mother Teresa of Calcutta || Fioretta
Mazzei Blue-Green
Thoughts * || Fioretta
Mazzei and Florencea|| Giorgio La Pira e Fioretta
Rose Cordova Henry Cornfield/ Enrique Milpaz || Hazel
Oddy Martha's Supplication || Rose
Lloyds An English Rose, Part I
|| Rose
Lloyds An English Rose, Part
II || Christopher Abbott Mary
Heap in East Lancashire || Anne
Lastman Broken Branches || Jonathan
Luke Holloway Home Birth Can Be An Option || The Joy of the Bicycle|| Gypsies
and Florence
How to Do It Web Essays: Weaving Websites*, How to Run a Library, How to Build Bookshelves and Cradles, Punto Antico
Welcome to to the World Wide Web
Hans Memling, John
Writing the Apocalypse,
St John's Hospital, Bruges,
n the Middle Ages a group
of men and women networked across Europe and wrote books
for the contemplative life. They were called the 'Friends of God'. English
grammar allows us to place God first, hence
'Godfriends'. We began in a theological library in
Sussex, sensing that with the love of God and neighbour
there were no boundaries between us; then, going into
exile and into one room, filled with computer, books,
blessed olive leaves, an anchorhold that is monastery,
scriptorium, library and dispensary all in one, we
re-established a similar network, on the Web and for the
World. We are now in Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa and
America. We are ecumenical. We are an anchorhold amidst
the laity and in the world. We welcome you on our Godfriends'
Discussion List.
When Margery Kempe came from Lynn to visit Julian of Norwich in her anchorhold, they discoursed on the City in the Soul, and how it is through the Soul and Spirit that the mind and the body find healing, wholeness, peace. Both Julian and Margery wrote books, soul cities, their Logotherapy, speaking from their past through our present to your future. Cain, the first murderer, built the first city, in exile from God, but Abel was a pilgrim and built none, seeking God only. This Umilta Website is a such an Interior Castle, a cyber community, an internet anchorhold, beyond time and death. It gathers together saints and sinners at a heavenly banquet. It is for you.
Welcome to Teaching
Ourselves, Contemplative Learning on the Web; You can covenant to study,
for instance Dante's Florence,
Julian's Norwich, not as in a
competitive university, but as in a contemplative monastery,
open to all, lay and clergy, women and men, old and young, poor
and rich, using this Umilta webspace.
A Lending Library can be shared
with you. This Library and Study Centre from 1 August 2000 is
housed in the Gatehouse, Piazzale
Donatello, Florence. In May 2001, September 2002, June
2004 (and perhaps 2007/8), we held International Congresses in
Florence on The City
and the Book to which you are invited. See The City and the Book, Teaching Ourselves, A Country a School, and 'Thunders of White Silence' .
Welcome to the Vita
for Julia Bolton Holloway, Hermit of the Holy Family, Director of the Julian Project, Co-Facilitator
of Teaching Ourselves
Welcome to World Wide Web Links relating to Julian and to Contemplative Monasticism
You can also search a particular reference
term within this website,, about
Julian of Norwich, using the search engine below:
To donate to the restoration by Roma of Florence's
formerly abandoned English Cemetery and to its Library
click on our Aureo Anello Associazione:'s
PayPal button: THANKYOU! |