iktor Frankl, in several
books written both before and after Auschwitz, discussed the
importance of meaning, rather than of sex and power, as
essential for the health of the body, the mind, the soul. A
group of us, some members, priests, some, monastics or
formerly so, some, lawyers, some in psychiatry, but most of
us victims in some way or other to trauma which have caused
loss of meaning, have collectively been studying the
evidence. The results: with sudden, meaningless natural
disaster, or with war trauma, or with sexual
abuse, especially in incest or by clergy or religious,
or with birth trauma, or with abortion,
or with language loss, as with 'English
Only', or with political torture, there can be an
effect on individuals' souls, ranging from numbing to
depression to alcohol and substance abuse, to bipolarity, to
multiple personality disorder, to self-harming, to suicide.
The evidence is that such trauma, seemingly
unjustifiable punishment to innocent persons, can effect
neurophysiological changes to the chemistry of the brain and
the human personality. Where the abuse is an isolated
instance it may be more easily treated and healed,
especially if help comes soon after the event. Where the
abuse has been repeated and the condition ignored, or
covered over by denial, the prognosis is less favourable. It
can be deliberately induced in order to control allegiance
to evil.
igmund Freud had
thought the greatest drive was for sex, Alfred Adler for
power, while Viktor Frankl
spoke movingly of the need for meaning for true happiness.
Anna Freud noted that children involved in war-bombing
needed to tell of their trauma for healing to take place.
Sigmund Freud initially found most cases of mental illness
were caused by childhood trauma and sexual abuse within his
patients' families, then turned away from his own
discoveries, represssing them. Gradually psychiatry has
returned to Freud's initial findings, though not to his
perception as to what consists man's most important drive.
It is God, the search for God, the love of God, which most
heals. As Alcoholics Anonymous has found. Even if God may
only be termed one's 'Higher Power'. But for many that royal
road has been destroyed with terrible land mines, injuring
innocents, maiming and killing bodies, minds and souls.
Religion itself is infected with trauma-inducing practices
for evil. It has been deliberately made meaningless. One
loses God where one considers oneself superior to others,
one causes the loss of God to others where they are
despised, why Pharisees so angered Christ. God despises
nothing he has made. To love one's neighbour as oneself is
to find God. Julian's 'even-Christian', even beyond that
boundary, include the Samaritan, the woman,
the leper, the Gypsy, the child, the Syro-Phoenician, the
cripple, the famine victim, the broken as well as the whole,
the marginalized at the centre.
ur particular
group, dealing with trauma within churches by clergy, found
that we could in turn help others in similar situations at
the onset, victims of bomb trauma and other disasters, where
victims are innocent and the deaths and injuries meaningless
punishment. We have sent blessed olive leaves to Nairobi,
Kenya, to Omagh, Ireland,
to Göteborg, Sweden,
Melbourne, Australia.
Many individuals worldwide now possess these fragile small
blessed olive leaves from Montebeni and Settignano in Italy.
They became bookmarks in Bibles in Kenya. They work between
warring nations, within warring nations, between warring
families, within warring families. We have particularly
turned to theology for this healing, as ourselves wounded
healers. In the life and teachings of Christ, who lived and
died, traumatically, under oppression and injustice, we see
a mirror held up to our own time.
Our perspective is both Christian and ecumenical, based on
the Sacraments, the Gospel, upon simplicity and
charity, the love of God and
neighbour, recognizing no boundaries, God despising
nothing that is created. Even the chrism of the Messiah is
made from the fruit of these trees, with which we too are
'Christened'. We see in our work that we are dealing with
the seeds of war, racism, terrorism, rape, abortion, madness and much else,
and that with greater understanding of such trauma and its
effects it could become possible to help heal individuals
and nations. Olive leaves come
literally from those at Gethsemani in Israel and these
around Montebeni and Settignano in Italy. They reflect
Ezechiel 47.13 and Revelation 22.2 of the heavenly
Jerusalem's leaves for the healing of the nations.
his website is yours! It is open to victims of such trauma and to
those seeking ways to end such meaninglessness. Its
methods are drawn from the healing by each other of Alcoholics
Anonymous. It
draws as well upon the observations of Anna Freud and
Leslie Marmon Silko, of the therapy of the telling of
tales. Writers, Julian of Norwich, Charlotte Bronte and her sisters, Emily
and Anne, Elizabeth Barrett
Nathanael Hawthorne, Fyodor Dosteivsky, Virginia Woolf,
and Alice Walker, orchestrated their own great abuse and
its 'Logotherapy' healing with that of their readers. In
the Sacrament of Baptism all are equal. Where one group,
whether because of gender, handicap, class, language,
education, race or nation, is held to be less than
another, trauma is inflicted. Christianity is based on the
outsider, Peter speaking the despised Galilean dialect,
Mary Magdalen as the fallen woman, Jairus' twelve-year-old
daughter, the woman in the Synagogue,
'daughter-of-Abraham', stooped with osteoporosis, unable
to climb the stairs to the woman's gallery, the woman with
the issue of blood touching Christ's prayer shawl fringe,
the Syro-Phoenician woman speaking of crumbs for puppies
under the table, the Samaritans (the woman at the well,
the man on the road), the leper, and the thief on the
cross. Christianity's God includes and heals all in the
One Body of Christ, Son of Adam, Ben-Adam, our brother,
who says we in doing the will of the Father are his
brothers, sisters and mother. But churchmen and women may
err in practicing exclusiveness, being Cain rather than
Abel, in so doing destroying religious faith for others
and themselves. We seek to heal Cain into the resurrection
of Abel. We invite submissions of essays, stories, and
reviews. We can send blessed oliveleaves to all
those in need of them. They are especially beneficial to
their recipients if given in turn to their abusers - for
their healing. And to abusers, dead or alive, - for this
illness can last beyond a lifetime. Sometimes we may need to
heap graves with blessed olive leaves. Friedrich Nietzsche,
in Thus Spoke Zarathustra, wrote: 'For that man be
delivered from revenge, that is for me the bridge to the
highest hopes and a rainbow after long storms'. Likewise the
healing stories submitted to this
website are never vengeful, victims being literally
truthful, but with healing coming to retell their trauma as
poetry: 'Pearls are like poets' tales, disease turned into
loveliness', Isak Dinesen wrote. I believe this is what Julian of Norwich did in her Showing
of Love.
The Survivors' Webring: Let the Truth Ring Out
Blessed olive trees,
Piazzale Donatello
the banks, on both sides of the river, there will grow all
kinds of trees for food. Their leaves will not wither nor
their fruit fail, but they will bear fresh fruit every
month, because the water for them flows from the
sanctuary. Their fruit will be for food, and their leaves
for healing. Ezekiel 47.12
the angel showed me the river of the water of life, bright
as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb
through the middle of the street of the city. On either
side of the river is the tree of life, with its twelve
kinds of fruit, producing its fruit every month; and the
leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations. Revelation
Blessed Olive Branch,
Kenyan olive-
wood bowl, William Morris Print
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