' I. am
no3t .I. haf
no3t. nou3t .I. seke ne coveite bot že luf
of ihesu
6579, fol. 88v.
of Contents in MS, fols. 141-143v] An entre how a soule shall haue
hire in mouyng & werkyng, žat
wole come to žis
by ensaumple
of a pilgrym
goyng to Ierusalem,
& of twey
21. An
introduction as to how a soul should
behave in purpose and in practice if it
wants to come to this reforming, through
the example of a pilgrim going to
Jerusalem; and the two kinds of humility.
84] žat
a man žat
will come to
is vndirstonde
cite of pees,
wich is contemplacioun,
moste holde
hym lowe in
meknes &
in faith,
& suffer
disese bothe
bodely &
for to have sum maw writynge by že
whilke žu mi3tes že ražer
nei3en to žat
reformynge .I. schal say že as me žinkiž bi
že grace
of oure lord ihesu
<že shortest & že rediest helpe žat I
knowe in žis wirkynge>. And how žat
schal be .I. schal telle že by
exaumple of a good pilgrym upon žis wise:
žer was a man žat wold gon to ierusalem
& for he knewe not že weye he come to an
man žat
he hopid knewe že way žeder
& asked whežer he mi3te come to žat
cite & žat ožer man
seide to him
he mi3te not come žeder withoute
grete disese & mikil trauaile
for že wey is longe & periles
and grete . of žefes & robbers
& many ožer/[fol. 84v] lettynges
ben žat
fallen to a man in že goyng. & also žer are
mony sare weies . as it semiž ledand
žederward . Bot men alday are slayn &
dispoiled & mown not comyn to žat
place žat
žei coveiten.
is .o. wey že whilke who so takiž hit &
holdiž it: he wolde undirtake. žat he
schude come to že Cite of ierusalem ne
schulde never
less his lif. ne be slayn. ne dye for
defaute: ne schulde often be robbed &
yuel betyn.
& suffren mikel disese in že goynge
& bot he schulde ay hav his lif safe.
'žan saiž že pilgrim if it be so žat I
may have my lif safe & come to žat
place žat
I coveite: .I. charge not what meschef .I.
suffre in že goynge & žerfore
say me what žu wilt & sothly .I. bihote
for to don aftir že: žat ožer man
answeres & says žus. lo .I. sette že in
že ri3t wey. žis is že wey. & žat žu
kepe že lerynge žat .I. lernis že.
to have some kind of practice by which you
could approach that reforming more quickly, I
shall tell you by the grace of our Lord Jesus
what seems to me the shortest and promptest
aid that I know in this work. And how that
shall be I will tell you in this manner,
through the example of a good pilgrim.
was a man wanting to go to Jerusalem, and
because he did not know the way he came to
another man who he thought knew it and asked
whether he could reach that city. The other
man told him he could not get there without
great hardship and labour, for the way is long
and the perils are great, with thieves and
robbers as well as many other difficulties to
beset a man on his journey; also there are
many different ways seeming to lead in that
direction, yet people are being killed and
robbed daily and cannot come to the place they
desire. However, there is one way, and he
would undertake that anyone who takes and
keeps to it shall come to the city of
Jerusalem, and never lose his life or be slain
or die of want. He would often be robbed and
badly beaten and suffer great distress on his
journey, but his life would always be safe.
Then the pilgrim said: 'If it is true that I
can keep my life and come to the place I
desire, I do not care what trouble I suffer on
the journey, and therefore tell me what you
will, and I promise faithfully to do as you
say'. The other man answered and said this:
'See, I am setting you on the right road. This
is the way, and be sure to keep the
instructions I give you'.
What so žou heres or sees or felis žat schulde lette že in ži wey abide not with it wilfully: tary not for it restfully. behold it not. like it not. drede it not. bot ay go forž in ži wey. & žinke žat žu woldes be at ierusalem'. For žat žu coveites žat žu desires. & no3t elles bot žat. & if man robbe že. & dispoile že bete že scorne že. & dispise že: serfe not agayn if žu wilt hav ži lif. Bot holde že with že harme žat žu has & go forž. as no3t were. žat žu take no more harme. And also if men wil tary že wiž tales & fede že with lesynges. for to drawe že to miržis & for to lefe ži pilgrimage: make def ere & answer not agayn & sey not elles bot at žu wuldes be at Jerusalem. And if men profie že 3iftes & wil make že riche with werdly gode tente not to hem: žinke ay on Jerusalem. And if žu wil holde žis wey & don as I hafe sayde: promise & take ži lif žat žu schal not be slayn. bot žou schal come to žat place žat/[fol. 85] žu coveites
hear, see or feel that would
hinder you on your way, do not
willingly stay with it, and do not
tarry for it, taking rest; do not
look at it, do not take pleasure
in it, and do not fear it; but
always go forth on your way and
think that you want to be in
Jerusalem. For that is what you
long for and what you desire, and
nothing else but that; and if men
rob you, strip you, beat you,
scorn you and despise you, do not
fight back if you want to have
your life, but bear the hurt that
you have and go on as if it were
nothing, lest you come to more
harm. In the same way, if men want
to delay you with stories and feed
you with lies, trying to draw you
to pleasures and make you leave
your pilgrimage, turn a deaf ear
and do not reply, saying only that
you want to be in Jerusalem. And
if men offer you gifts and seek to
enrich you with worldly goods, pay
no attention to them, always think
of Jerusalem. And if you will keep
on this way and do as I have said,
I promise you your life - that you
shall not be slain but come to the
place that you desire'.
to oure purpos.
is as mikel for to seyen as si3t
of pes & bitoknež
in perfit luf of
god. ffor contemplacioun
is not ellis bot a si3t of ihesu
whilk is verey
pes. žan if žu coveit for to com
to žis blessid si3t of uerey
pees & ben a trew pilgrym
to jerusalemward:
žaw3 it be so žat
.I. wase neuer žere: neverles as
farforth as .I. kan .I. schal
setes že in že waye žederward:
to our spiritual proposition,
Jerusalem is as much as to say sight
of peace and stands for
contemplation in perfect love of
God, for contemplation is nothing
other than a sight of Jesus, who
is true peace. Then if you long to
come to this blessed sight of true
peace and to be a faithful pilgrim
toward Jerusalem - even though it
should be that I was never there,
yet as far as I can - I shall set
you in the way that leads toward
bygynnynge of žis
hi3e wey in že whilk žu schalt
gon is reformyng
in faiž grounded mekly in že
feiž & in že lawes of holy
kirke as .I. hafe saide beforn.
for true sikirly žaw3 žu haue
synned hard here bifore. if žu
be now reformed bi že sacrament
of penaunce after že lawe of
holikirke žat
žu art in že ri3t weie. Now žan
sižen žu art in že siker weye:
if žu wile spedyn in ži goynge
& make gode Iurnaies: že
behoviž to holden žese two
žinges often in ži mynde. meknes
& luf. žat
is '.I. am no3t .I. have
no3t .I. coveit no3t. but on'
žu schalt hafe že menynge
of žese wordes in žin entent
& in habite of ži soule
lastendly: žaw3 žu hafe no3t
specialy žese wordes ay formed
in ži žou3te: for žat
nediž not. meknes saiž .I.
am no3t .I. hafe no3t.
lufe saiž .I.
coveit no3t bot on. & žat
is ihesu:
žese two strenges wel festned with
že mynde of ihesu
makiž gode acorde in že harpe of
že soule. when žei be craftely
touchid with
že fyngers of resoun:
for že lower žu smytes up on žat
on že hi3er sonniž žat
ožer: že lesse
žu felist žat
žu art or žat
žu hast of ži self žruw3 meknes:
že more žu coveites for to hav
of ihesu in desire
of luf: .I. mene not only of žat
meknes žat a soule
feliž in že si3t of his own syn
or freltees & wrecchednes of
žis lif: or of že woržines of
his euencristen: for žaw3 žis
meknes be sožfast &
medicynable: neverželes
is boistous
& fleschly as in segnses./[fol. 85v] not
clene ne softe ne lufly. So .I.
mene also žis meknes žat
že soule feliž žruw3 grace
in si3t & beholdyng of že
endeles beynge & že wondeful
godnes of ihesu
& if žou mowe not seen it
3it with ži gostly
i3e: žat žou trowe
it: ffor žruw3 si3t of his
beynge eižer
in ful feiž or in felyng
žu schalt holden ži self not
only as že most wrecche žt is.
but also as no3t in substaunce
of ži soule: žaw3 žu haddest never
don syn: And žat
is lufly meknes: for in reward
of ihesu žat
is sožfastly al: žu art ri3t
no3t: And also žat
žu žinke žat
žu hast ri3t no3t: Bot art as a
vessel žat standiž ay
come as no3t were žerin
as of ži self: for doo žou wold
so mony gode dedis outward &
inward: til žu have & fele žat
žu hast že luf of ihesu.
hast ri3t no3t. ffor with
žat precious
licour only will ži soule be
fulfillid. & with
none ožer. And for as
mikel as žt žinge alone is so precious
& so wurži: ffor what žu
hast or what žu dost holde it as
no3t for to resten in, withoutyn
že si3t & že luf of ihesu.
Kaste it al bihynde
že & fagate it. žat
žu mi3te hafe žat
žat is že best of alle.
the highway along which you
shall go is reforming in
faith, grounded humbly in the
faith and in the laws of holy
church, as I have said before,
for trust assuredly that
although you have formerly
sinned, you are on the right
road, if you are now reformed
by the sacrament of penance
according to the law of holy
church. Now since you are on
the sure way, if you want to
speed on your travels and make
a good journey each day, you
should hold these two things
often in your mind - humility
and love. That is: I am
nothing; I have nothing; I
desire only one thing. You shall have the
meaning of these words
continually in your intention,
and in the habit of your soul,
even though you may not always
have their particular form in
your thought, for that is not
necessary. Humility says, I
am nothing; I have nothing.
Love says,
I desire only one thing, and
that is Jesus. These
two strings, well-fastened
with mindfulness of Jesus,
make good harmony on the harp
of the soul when they are
skillfully touched with the
finger of reason. For the
lower you strike upon the one,
the higher sounds the other;
the less you feel that you are
or that you have of yourself
through humility, the more you
long to have of Jesus in the
desire of love. I do not mean
only that humility that a soul
feels as it looks at its own
sin or at the frailties and
wretchedness of this life, or
at the worthiness of his
fellow Christians, for
although this humility is true
and medicinal, it is
comparatively rough and
carnal,/ not pure or soft or
lovely. But I mean also this
humility that the soul feels
through grace in seeing and
considering the infinite being
and wonderful goodness of
Jesus, and if you cannot see
it yet with your spiritual
eye, that you believe in it,
for through the sight of his
being - either in full faith
or in feeling - you shall
regard yourself not only as
the greatest wretch that there
is, but also as nothing in the
substance of your soul, even
if you had never committed
sin. And that is lovely
humility, for in comparison
with Jesus who is in truth
All, you are but nothing. In
the same way think that you
have nothing, but are like a
vessel that always stands
empty, as if with nothing in
it of your own; for however
many good works you do,
outwardly or inwardly, you
have nothing at all until you
have - and feel that you have
- the love of Jesus. For your
soul can be filled only with
that precious liquor, and with
nothing else; and because that
thing alone is so precious and
so valuable, regard anything
you have and do as nothing to
rest in, without the sight and
the love of Jesus. Throw it
all behind you and forget it,
so that you can have what is
best of all.
Ri3t as a
trowe pilgrym goande
to ierusalem lefiž
bihynde him hows
& lande. wife &
childe. and makiž hym self
pore & bare for al žat he haž
žat he mi3t
go li3tly withouten
lettynges: But so if žu wil be
a gostly pilgrym. žu
schalt make ži self nakid
from al žat
žu hast. žat
are bože gode dedis &
baddis. & kasten hem al
bihynde žee. žat žu be
so pore in žin owne felynge.
žat žer be no
žinge of žin owne wirkynge žat žu wilt
lene upon restedly bot ay
desirand more grace of
luf. & ay sekand že
gostly presence
of ihesu. And
if žu do žus. žan schalt žu
setten in ži harte holly
& fully. žat žu
woldest be at ierusalem
& at none ožer place/[fol. 86] bot
žere: And žat is. žu
schalt setten in žin herte
holly & fully. žt žu
woldest no žinge hafe bot že
luf of ihesu. &
že gostly si3t of him. as he
wile schewe hym for to
žt only žu art made. &
bo3te & žt is ži begynnynge &
žin ende. ži ioye & ži
blisse. & žerfore
what so ever žat žu
hafe. be žu never so
riche in ožer dedis
bodily & gostly: bot if
žu haue žis.
& fele žat žu hast
it. halde žat žu hast
ri3t no3t. Preente wel žis
resoun in že
menynge of ži
herte & clefe sadly žerto.
& it schal safe že fro
alle periles in
ži goyng žat žu
schalt never perischen.
& it schal saf žee fro
žefes & robbers že whilk
I calle unclene spirites. žat žaw3
žei spoile žee & bete že
žruw3 divers temptaciouns:
schal ay be safe: And
schortly if žu kepe it as
.I. schal say že: žu schalt
askape alle periles
& come to the Cite of
ierusalem. with in
schort tme:
as a true pilgrim going to
Jerusalem leaves behind him house
and land, wife and children, and
makes himself poor and bare of all
that he has in order to travel
light and without hindrance, so if
you want to be a spiritual pilgrim
you are to make yourself naked of
all that you have - both good
works and bad - and throw them all
behind you, and thus become so
poor in your own feeling that
there can be no deed of your own
that you want to lean upon for
rest, but you are always desiring
more grace of love, and always
seeking the spiritual presence of
Jesus. If you do so, you shall
then set in your heart, wholly and
fully, your desire to be at
Jerusalem, and in no other place
but there; and that is, you shall
set in your heart, wholly and
fully, your will to have nothing
but the love of Jesus and the
spiritual sight of him, as far as
he wishes to show himself. It is
for that alone you are made and
redeemed, and that is your
beginning and your end, your joy
and your glory. Therefore,
whatsoever you have, however rich
you may be in other works of body
and spirit, unless you have that,
and know and feel that you have
it, consider that you have nothing
at all. Print this statement well
on the intention of your heart,
and hold firmly to it, and it will
save you from all the perils of
your journey, so that you will
never perish. It shall save you
from thieves and robbers (which is
what I call unclean spirits), so
that though they strip you and
beat you with diverse temptations,
your life shall always be saved;
and in brief if you guard it as I
shall tell you, you shall within a
short time escape all perils and
distresses and come to the city of
žu art in že wey & knowest
what že place hi3te wheder: žu
schalt drawe to: Bygyne žan for
to gon forž in ži jurney. ži
forž goynge is no3t elles bot
gostly wirkynge & bodily
also whan nede is. whilk žu
schalt usen bi discrecioun
up on žis wise what werk žat
it be žat žu schulde
don after že degre
& že state žat
žu standis in bodily or gostly .
if it helpe žis gracious
desire žat žu hast for
to lufe ihesu:
& make it more hol. more esy
& more mi3ty to all vertues
& to alle goodnes: žat
werke hald .I. beste. be it prechynge
be it žinkynge. be it redyng
be it writynge.
& as longe as žat
werke strengžež most žin hert
& ži wil to že luf of ihesu.
& sonest drawiž žin
& ži žo3te fro werldy
vanytes it is gode for to usen
it: And if it be so. žat
žruw3 use savour of žat
lessež & žu žinkiž anožer
werk savour že more. & žu
felist more grace
anožer. take
anožer & lefes žat
ffor žaw3 ži desire & že
3ernynge of žin herte to ihesu:
schulde/[fol. 86v]
be ay unchangable. neverželes
ži gostly werkes žat
žu schalt usen in praynge or
žinkynge for to feden &
norischen ži desire. may be dyvers
& may wel be chaunged.
after žat žu felis že
disposed žurw grace
žin own hert.
that you are on the road and know
the name of the place you are
bound for, begin to go forward on
your journey. Your going forth is
nothing else but the work of the
spirit - and of the body as well,
when there is need for it - which
you are to use with discretion in
the following way. Whatever work
it is that you should do, in body
or in spirit, according to the
degree and state in which you
stand, it if helps this
grace-given desire that you have
to love Jesus, making it more
whole, easier and more powerful
for all virtues and all goodness,
that is the work I consider the
best, whether it be prayer,
meditation, reading or working;
and as long as that task most
strengthens your heart and your
working; and as long as that task
most strengthens your heart and
your will for the love of Jesus
and draws your affection and your
thought farthest from worldly
vanities, it is good to use it.
And if it happens that the savour
of it becomes less through use,
and you feel that you savour
another kind of work more, and you
feel more grace in another, take
another and leave that one. For
though your desire and the
yearning of your heat for Jesus
should always be unchangeable,
nevertheless the spiritual
practices that you are to use in
prayer or meditation to feed and
nourish your desire may be
diverse, and may well be changed
according to the way you feel
disposed to apply your own heart,
through grace.
it fariž bi werkes e bi desire.
as it dož bi stickes & bi a
fire for že mo stickes arn leide
to že fiire že gretter
is že fire: ri3t so že more divers
gostly wirkynge žat
a man haž in his žo3t for to
kepe hol his disire že mi3tier.
& že more brennand schal his
desire be to god. And žerfor
loke wisely what werk žu kannist
best don. & žat
most helpiž že for to sasen hole
žis desir to ihesu
if žou be free. & art not
bounden bot undir
že coms laws &
žat do bynde že
not to wilful customes
unchaungebly žat
sculden let že fredom of žin
herte for to luf ihesu
if grace wolde
visite že specially. ffor .I.
schal telle že whilke customes
are ay gode & nedful to be
kepte. lo swilke custome is ay
gode for to holden žat
stondiž in gatynge of vertues
syn. & žat
custome shuld ned be lefte: for
žu schallt ay be meke &
paciente sober & chaste if
žu wel do. & so of alle ožer
vertues. Bot že
custome of anožer
žyng žat lettiž a
better is for to
lesen when tyme is žat
a man may 'as žus. if a man hafe
in custome for to sety žus
many bodis. or for to žinken žis
manner of žat
žus longe tyms:
or for to waken or knelen žus
longe. or ony ožer
sikir bodily dede: žis custome
is for to lefen oun
tyme when resonable cause
lettiž. or elles if more grace
coms in ožer
it goes with works and
desire as it does with
a fire and sticks. The
more sticks are laid
on a fire, the greater
is the flame, and so
the more varied the
spiritual work that
anyone has in mind for
keeping his desire
whole, the more
powerful and ardent
shall be his desire
for God. Therefore
notice carefully what
work you best know how
to do and what most
helps you to keep
whole this desire for
Jesus (if you are
free, and are not
bound except under the
common law), and do
that. Do not bind
yourself unchangeably
to practices of your
own choosing that
hinder the freedom of
your heart to love
Jesus if grace should
specially visit you,
for I shall tell you
which customs are
always good and need
to be kept. See, a
particular custom is
always good to keep if
it consists in getting
virtue and hindering
sin, and that practice
should never be left.
For if you behave
well, you will always
be humble and patient,
sober and chaste; and
so with all other
virtues. But the
practice of any other
thing that hinders a
better work should be
left when it is time
for one to do this;
for instance, if
somebody has the
custom of saying so
manyprayers, or
meditating in a
certain way for a
particular length of
time, or waking or
kneeling for a certain
time, or doing other
such bodily work, this
practice is to be left
off sometimes when a
reasonable cause
hinders it, or else if
more grace comes from
another quarter.
Table of Contents in
MS] Howe
a man žat
is in
this way shall
hafe enimyes
to dryue hym
a3eyne, &
howe he schal
bi že
knowing of our
Lord Ihesu,
& scryft
of mouthe
& contriticoun
of hert, &
in dede.
& tempatciouns
shul fele be
here gostly enimyes
here gostly
goyng to
heuenly Ierusalem,
& of
remedies a3ens
The delays and temptations
that souls shall feel
from their spiritual
enemies on their
spiritual journey to
the heavenly
Jerusalem, and some
remedies against them.
art žu in že wey
& wost how žu
schalt gon. Now be
war of enmys žat
wilom be bisy. for
to lette že if žei
mown. ffor here
ententes is for to
putten owt of žin
herte žat
87] & žat
longinge žat
žu hafte to že luf
of ihesu.
& for to drife
že hom ageyne. to
luf of wordly vanyte
for žer
is no žinge žat
grefiž hem
so mikel: žese enmys
arn principally
fleschly desires
& vayne dredis žat
risen oute of žin
hert žurw3
of ži fleschly kynde
& wolden let ži
desire of že luf of
god. žat
žei mi3ten fully
& jestfully
occupien žin hert:
žese arn ži next
enmys: Also ožer
enemys žer
are. as unclene
spirites žat
are bisy with
sle3tes & wiles
for to descayve že.
Bot .o. remedie
schalte žu hafe žat
.I. saide beforne:
what so it be žat
žu savor. trow hem
not bot holde forž
ži wey. & only
desir že luf of ihesu.
Answere ay žis:
am no3t .I.
hafe no3t .I.
desyre no3t bot
only že luf of ihesu.
If žin enemys syen
to že first žus.
bi stiringes in žin
herte žat
žou <art not
schreyven. or žer is
sume old syne hid in
že hert žat
žu> knowis not.
Now is never
schrifen of: & žerfore
že most turne
hom agayn & lefe
ži desire. & go
schryfe že better
trowe not žis
seiynge for it is
fals. for žu art
schrifen most
sikerly žat
žu art in že wey.
& že nediž no
more schriftyngs of
schryfte for žat
žat is passid. holde
forž ži wey &
ženk on ierusalem.
Also if žei say žat
žu art not worži to
hafe že luf of god
which to schalt žu
coveite žat
žu ma3te not hafe.
no art not worži žerto:
Trowe hem
not. bot go forž.
& say žus.
Not for I am worži.
bot see .I. am
unworži. žerfore
wolde .I. luf god.
for if I had it. žat
schulde make me
worži. And sižen .I.
was made žerto:
hafe it: 3it wil .I.
coveite it. &
žerfor wite .I. praien
& ženken žat
.I. mi3te geten
it. And žan if žin
enmys seež žat
žu bigynnist to
wexen bolde &
wel willed to ži
werke: žei bigynne
to wexen aferde of
že. Neverželes
of taryyinge whan
žei mowen as longe
as žu art goande in
že wey, What wiž/[fol.
87v] drede
& menasyngs on žat
.o. side. What with
flaterynge. &
fals plesynge on žat
side. for to make že
breke ži purpos
& turne
home agayne. žei wil
sey žus.
if žu holde forž. ži
desire to ihesu
so fully travailande
as žu bigynnest: žu
schalte falle in to
seknes or in to
fantasies. & in
to frenesies. as žu
seest žat
some don: or žu
schalt falle in to
& bodili
meschief. & no
man schal wil halpe
žee. or žou mi3t
falle in to pryvie
of že feende. žat
žu schalt not kun
helpe ži selfyn.
ffor it is wonder perilous
to any man
for to gif him
fully to že luf of
god. & lesen
alle že werld. &
no žinge coveiten
bot only že luf of
for as many periles
falle žat
a man knowiž not of:
And žerfor turne
hom agayn & lese
žis desire for žu
schalt never
brynge it to že
ende. & do as ožer
werldly men don.
you are on the way and
know how you shall go.
Now beware of enemies
that will be trying to
hinder you if they
can, for their
intention is to put
out of your heart that
desire and that
longing that you have
for the love of Jesus,
and to drive you home
again to the love of
worldly vanity, for
there is nothing that
grieves them so much.
These enemies are
principally carnal
desires and vain fears
that rise out of your
heart through the
corruption of your
fleshly nature, and
want to hinder your
desire for the love of
God, so that they can
fully occupy your
heart without
disturbance. These are
your nearest enemies.
There are other
enemies too, such as
unclean spirits that
are busily trying to
deceive you with
tricks and wiles. But
you shall have one
remedy, as I said
before: whatever it
may be they say, do
not believe them, but
keep on your way and
desire only the love
of Jesus. Always give
this answer: I am nothing,
I have nothing, I
desire nothing but
the love of Jesus
alone. If
your enemies speak to
you first like this,
by stirrings in your
heart, that you have
not made a proper
confession, or that
there is some old sin
hidden in your heart
that you do not know
and never confessed,
and therefore you must
turn home again, leave
your desire and go to
make a better
confession: do not
believe this saying,
for it is false and
you are absolved.
Trust firmly that you
are on the road, and
you need no more
ransacking of your
confession for what is
past: keep on your way
and think of
Jerusalem. Similarly,
if they say that you
are not worthy to have
the love of God, and
ask what good it is to
crave something you
cannot have and do not
deserve, do not
believe them, but go
forward, saying thus,
'Not because I am
worthy, but because I
am unworthy - that is
my motive for loving
God, for if I had that
love, it would make me
worthy; and since I
was made for it, even
though I should never
have it I will yet
desire it, and
therefore I will pray
and meditate in order
to get it'. And then,
if your enemies see
that you begin to grow
bold and resolute in
your work, they start
getting frightened of
you; however, they
will not stop
hindering you when
they can as long as
you are going on your
way. What with/ fear
and menaces on the one
hand and flattery and
false blandishment on
the other, to make you
break your purpose and
turn home again, they
will speak like this:
'If you keep up your
desire for Jesus,
labouring as hard as
you have begun, you
will fall into
sickness or into
fantasies and
frenzies, as you see
some do, or you will
fall into poverty and
come to bodily harm,
and no one will want
to help you; or you
might fall into secret
temptations of the
devil, in which you
will not know how to
help yourself. It is
very dangerous for any
man to give himself
wholly to the love of
God, to leave all the
world and desire
nothing but his love
alone; for so many
perils may befall that
one does not know of.
And therefore turn
home again and leave
this desire, for you
will never carry it
through to the end,
and behave as other
people do in the
seien žin enmys bot
trow hem
not bot holde forž
ži desirs. & sey
not elles. bot žu
woldest hav ihesu
& ben at ierusalem.
And if žei percieve
žou ži wil so strong
žt žu wil not spare
for syn ne for
seknes. for
fantasies no
frenesy. for doutes
ne dredis of gostly
for meschief ne for
lif ne for dede. Bot
ay forž žu wilt with
.o. žinge. & no
žinge bot on. &
makes def ere to hem
as žuw3 žu herd hem
not. & holdest
že forž stifly in ži
in žin ožer
gostly werkes withoutyn
styntynges. with
aftir counseile of
ži soveren
or ži gostly fader.
žan bigynne žei for
to be wrož & to
gon a litel ne33e
že. 'žei bigynne for
to robbe že &
bete že & do že
al že schame žt žei
kan. And žat
is. whan žei mirth žat
alle že dedis žat
žu dost be žei never
so wel don: are
demed of ožer
men als ille & turned
in to že wers party.
And what so ever
it be žat
žu woldest have don.
in helpe of ži body
or of /[fol.86]
ži soule. &
schal be letted
& hindred by ožer
men. so žat
žu schalt be put fro
ži wil in al žinge žat
žu skilfully
coveites And al žis
žei don žat
žou schuldest be
stird to ire or
malencoly or yvel
wil ageyns žin
say your enemies; but
do not believe them.
Keep up your desire,
and say nothing else
but that you want to
have Jesus and to be
in Jerusalem. And if
they then perceive
your will to be so
strong that you will
not spare yourself -
for sin or for
sickness, for
fantasies or frenzy,
for doubts or fears of
spiritual temptations,
for poverty or
distress, for life or
for death - but that
you will is set ever
onward, with one thing
and one alone, turning
a deaf ear to them as
if you did not hear
them, and keeping on
stubbornly and
unstintingly with your
prayers and your other
spiritual works, and
with discretion
according to the
counsel of your
superior or your
spiritual father; then
they begin to be angry
and to draw a little
nearer to you. They
start robbing you and
beating you and doing
you all the injury
they know: and that is
when they cause all
your deeds - however
well done - to be
judged evil by others
and turned the worst
way. And whatever you
may want to do for the
benefit of your body
and soul, it will be
hampered and hindered
by other men, in order
to thwart you in
everything that you
reasonably desire. All
this they do to stir
you to anger,
resentment or ill-will
against your fellow
ageyn alle žese
diseses & alle
mown falle: use žis
remedie. Take ihesu
in ži mynde &
angre že not with
tary not with
bot žinke on ži
lesson< žat
žu art no3t. žu hast
no3t & may no3t
lese>of eržly
goodes žou coveites
no3t bot že luf of
& holde forž ži
wey to ierusalem
žin occupacioun.
And neverželes
if žu be tared sum
tyme žrugh frelte of
ži selfe: with
swilke uveles žat
fallen to ži bodily
lif žurgh yvel wil
of man or malice of
že feende as sone as
žu mai3te come ageyn
to ži self: lese of
žis žinkynge of žat
disese: & go
forž to ži werk:
abide not to longe with
for drede of žin
But against all these annoyances, and all others that may befall, use this remedy; take Jesus in your mind, and do not be angry with them; do not linger with them, but think of your lesson - that you are nothing, you have nothing, you cannot lose any earthly goods, and you desire nothing but the love of Jesus - and keep on your way to Jerusalem, with your occupation. Nevertheless, if through your own frailty you are at some time vexed with such troubles befalling your life in the body through the ill-will of man or the malice of the devil, come to yourself again as soon as you can; stop thinking of that distress and go forth to your work. Do not stay too long with them, for fear of your enemies.
Table of Contents
in MS] Of a
general remedy a3ens
wikkid stiringgis
& peynful/[fol.143]
tariengis žat
fallen to here hertis
of že
fleishe, of že
world, & of že fend.
A general remedy
against wicked
stirrings and painful
vexations that befall
the heart from the
world, the flesh and
the devil.
whan žin enmys seen žat žu
art so wel witted. žat žu
art not angry nor hevy ne
wrož ne mikel stired
ageyns no creature for
ow3t žat žei
mown don or spekyn agayns
že. Bot settes ži herte
fully for to suffre al žat may
falle ese & unese, praisynge
or lackyngr & žat žu
wilt charge no žinge with ži žat žu
mi3t kepe ži žou3te &
ži desire hol to že luf of
god: žan are žei mikel
abasched. bot žan wile žei
assay že with flaterynge
& vayn plesyngs &
žat is
whan žei brynge to že si3t
of ži soule alle ži gode
dedis & ži vertus
& beren up on žer: žat alle
men praise
že: & spekyn of žin
holynes: & how alle
men lufe že & wurschip
že for žin holy lyvyngs;
'žis don žin enmys žat žu
schuldes žinken here
saying sož. & hav
delit in žis veyn ioy
& resten že žerin.
Bot/[88v] if žu do wel. žu
schalt holden al swilke
veyn iangelynge falshede
& flatering of
žin enemy žat profer že
to drynke venom tempred with hony
& žerfore
refuse it & sey žu
wilt not žerof.
bot žu wolde be at ierusalem.
after this your enemies
will be much abashed, when
they see you so
well-disposed that you are
not annoyed, heavyhearted,
wrathful, or greatly
stirred against any
creature, for anything
that they can do or say
against you, but that you
fully set your heart upon
bearing all that may
happen - ease and
hardship, praise or blame
- and that you will not
trouble about anything,
provided you can keep
whole your thought and
your desire for the love
of God. But then they will
try you with flattery and
vain blandishment, and
that is when they bring to
the sight of your soul all
your good deeds and
virtues, and impress upon
you that all men praise
you and speak of your
holiness; and how
everybody loves you and
honors you for your holy
living. Your enemies do
this to make you think
that their talk is true,
and take delight in this
vain joy and rest in it;/
but if you do well you
shall hold all such vain
jabbering as the falsehood
and flattery of your
enemy, who proffers you a
drink of venom tempered
with honey. Therefore
refuse it; say you do not
want any of it, but want
to be in Jerusalem.
lettynges žu
schalt felen or
elles ožer
like. what of ži
flesch. what of
že werld. what
of že fende: mo
žan .I. may
scherkl now:
ffor a man as
longe as he
suffrež his
žou3ts wilfully
gon al aboute že
werld in
beholdynge of
sundry žinges:
he percerfež
lettynges: Bot
als sone as he
drawiž al his
žou3te & his
3erning to on
žinge. only for
to hafe žat
for to be žat.
for to knowe žat.
& for to luf
žat & žat
is only ihesu:
žan schal he wel
fele many peynful
lettynges. ffor
ilk a žinge žat
he feliž &
is not žat
he coveite is
lettynge to hym.
.I. hafe told že
of sum
specially as for
example: &
.I. say generally.
what stirrings žat
žou feliž of ži
flesch or of že
fende plesant or
peynfull. bitter
or swete likend
or dredful.
or sorwful. žat
wolde drawe doun
ži žou3t &
ži desire fro že
luf of ihesu.
& let utterly
coveite žat
žu hafe to že
luf of him.
& žat
ži herte
schude be
occupird with
restingly. sett
it at no3t.
resceyve it not
wilfully. tary
not žis wiž to
longe. bot if it
be of werdly
žinge žat
behoviž not is
to be don to ži
self or to žin
spede že sone of
it. & brynge
it to an ende žat
it hangs not on
žin herte. if it
be an ožer
žinge žat
nediž not. or
elles it touchiž
not že: change
it not. iangle
not žerwiž
not. drede it
not. like it
not. bot finyte
it oute of žin
herte redily and
sei žus.
'I am
no3t .I. haf
no3t. nou3t
.I. aske ne
coveite bot že
luf of ihesu'
knyt ži žo3t
'¶ I. am
no3t .I. haf
no3t. nou3t
.I. seke ne
coveite bot že
luf of iћesu¶
6579, fol.
to žis desire & strenže it. & maynteyne it with pre3e & with gostly werkes žat žu forgete it not & it schal lede žem že ri3t/[fol. 89] wey. & saufe že fro alle periles. žt žaw3 žu fele hem žu schalt not perish. & .I. hope žat it schall brynge že to perfit luf of oure lord ihesu.
feel such hindrances, or
others like them - what
with your flesh, the world
and the devil - more than
I can recite now. For as
long as a man allows his
thoughts to run willingly
all over the world to
consider different things,
he notices few hindrances;
but as soon as he draws
all his thought and his
yearning to one thing
alone - to have that, to
see that, to know that,
and to love that (and that is
only Jesus) - then he
shall well feel many
painful hindrances, for
everything that he feels
and is not what he desires
is a hindrance to him.
Therefore, I have told you
particularly of some as an
example. Furthermore, I
say in general that
whatever stirring you feel
from your flesh or from
the devil, pleasant or
painful, bitter or sweet,
agreeable or dreadful,
glad or sorrowful - that
would draw down your
thought and your desire
from the love of Jesus to
worldly vanity and utterly
prevent the spiritual
desire that you have for
the love of him, so that
your heart should stay
occupied with that
stirring: think nothing of
it, do not willingly
receive it, and do not
linger over it too long.
But if it concerns some
worldly thing that ought
to be done for yourself or
your fellow Christian,
finish with it quickly and
bring it to an end so that
it does not hang on your
heart. If it is some other
thing that is not
necessary, or does not
concern you, do not
trouble about it, do not
parley with it, and do not
get angry; neither fear it
nor take pleasure in it,
but promptly strike it out
of your heart, saying
thus: 'I am nothing; I
have nothing; I neither
seek nor desire anything
but the love of Jesus'.
Knit your thought to this
desire and make it strong;
maintain it with prayer
and with other spiritual
work so that you do not
forget it; and it shall
lead you in the right way
and save you from all
perils, so that although
you feel them you shall
not perish. And I think it
will bring you to perfect
love of our Lord Jesus.
on žat
ožer syde .I. say also.
what werk or what
stirynge it be. žat may
helpen ži desire.
strengthe it &
norische it & make
ži hert feržeste fro
luste & mende of že
werld, more hole &
more brennande to že luf
of god whežer it
be praynge
or spekynge redynge or
herynge onlynes or
comunynge goynge or
sittynge kepe it for že
tyme & wirk žeryn
as longe as savor
lestež. if it be so žat žu
take žis with
met & drynk &
slepe as a pilgrym dož.
& kepe discrecioun in
ži wirkyng after
counsel & ordinance
of ža souerayn.
ffor haf he never so
grete hast in his
goynge. 3it he wil in
tyme eten & drynken
& slepen. do žu so
also. 'for žaw3 it let
že .o. tyme, it schal
foržen že an ožer
On the other hand I also
say: Whatever work or
stirring it may be that
can help your desire,
strengthen and nourish it,
and make your heart
furthest from the
enjoyment and remembrance
of the world, and more
whole and more ardent for
the love of God - whether
it be prayer or
meditation, stillness or
speaking, reading or
listening, solitude or
company, walking or
sitting - keep it for the
time and work in it as
long as the savour lasts,
provided you take with it
food, drink and sleep like
a pilgrim, keeping
discretion in your labour
as your superior advises
and ordains. For however
great his haste on his
journey, yet at the right
time he is willing to eat,
drink and sleep. Do so
yourself, for although it
may hinder you at one time
it shall advance you at
OSA, Augustine Baker, Serenus
Cressy, OSB, 'The
Parable of a Pilgrim'.
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