2012-2020The Lancet, Early Online
Publication, 23 September 2011
Inequality between
and within populations has origins in adverse
early experiences. Developmental neuroscience
shows how early biological and psychosocial
experiences affect brain development. We
previously identified inadequate cognitive
stimulation, stunting, iodine deficiency, and
iron-deficiency anaemia as key risks that prevent
millions of young children from attaining their
developmental potential. Recent research
emphasises the importance of these risks,
strengthens the evidence for other risk factors
including intrauterine growth restriction,
malaria, lead exposure, HIV infection, maternal
depression, institutionalisation, and exposure to
societal violence, and identifies protective
factors such as breastfeeding and maternal
education. Evidence on risks resulting from
prenatal maternal nutrition, maternal stress, and
families affected with HIV is emerging.
Interventions are urgently needed to reduce
children's risk exposure and to promote
development in affected children. Our goal is to
provide information to help the setting of
priorities for early child development programmes
and policies to benefit the world's poorest
children and reduce persistent inequalities.
This is the first in a Series
of two reports about child development
In a 2007 Series in The
Lancet we estimated that more than 200
million children younger than 5 years from
low-income and middle-income countries were not
attaining their developmental potential,
primarily because of poverty, nutritional
deficiencies, and inadequate learning
opportunities.1, 2
Economic recession and climate change will
probably increase the number of children
affected.3, 4
Biological and psychosocial risk factors
associated with poverty lead to inequalities in
early child development, which undermine
educational attainment and adult productivity,
thereby perpetuating the poverty cycle.5 In this
Series, we review new evidence on the mechanisms
and causes of developmental inequality and
economic implications and strategies to promote
early child development. In this report we
summarise evidence from developmental
neuroscience on how experiences in early life
affect the structure and functioning of the
brain, and subsequent child development. We
review evidence on risks and protective factors
for development, updating evidence on previously
identified risks (panel
1),1 and
highlight risks not previously identified. Our
focus is on modifiable risks that affect large
numbers of children younger than 5 years in
low-income and middle-income countries.
Panel 1
Key risks: inadequate cognitive stimulation, linear growth retardation (stunting), iodine deficiency, and iron-deficiency anaemia
Other priority risks: intrauterine growth restriction, malaria, lead exposure, maternal depressive symptoms, and exposure to violence
Exposure to biological and psychosocial risks affects the developing brain and compromises the development of children
Inequalities in child development begin prenatally and in the first years of life
With cumulative exposure to developmental risks, disparities widen and trajectories become more firmly established
Reducing inequalities requires early integrated interventions that target the many risks to which children in a particular setting are exposed
The most effective and cost-efficient time to prevent inequalities is early in life before trajectories have been firmly established
Action or lack of action will have lifetime consequences for adult functioning, for the care of the next generation, and for the wellbeing of societies
Risk, stress, and brain development
The foundations of brain
architecture are laid down early in life through
dynamic interactions of genetic, biological, and
psychosocial influences, and child behaviour.
Biological and psychosocial influences affect
the timing and pattern of genetic expression,
which can alter brain structure and function,6 and
behaviour.7 Through
bidirectional effects, children's behaviour
affects brain development directly and by
modifying the effects of biological and
psychosocial influences.8
Childhood risks
associated with poverty, such as lack of
stimulation or excessive stress, affect brain
development, result in dysregulation of the
hypothalamic—pituitary—adrenocortical system,9 and change
electrical activity of the brain related to
efficiency of cognitive processing.10 The
influence of risks can begin prenatally because
the fetal brain can be influenced by exogenous
factors that produce maternal stress.11 At present
there is insufficient evidence from research in
human beings to establish if the effects on
hypothalamic—pituitary—adrenocortical regulation
are reversible.12
Three translational
processes influence how risk factors and stress
affect brain and behavioural development: the
extent and nature of deficits depend on timing,
co-occurring and cumulative influences, and
differential reactivity (figure 1 and table 1). Risks
often co-occur and persist, leading to exposure
to multiple and cumulative risks. For example,
maternal depression increases risk of low
birthweight (LBW; additional references in webappendix pp 1—5),
stunting,13 and
insecure attachment.14 Because of
differential reactivity, the effect of risks on
behaviour might vary by individual or
environmental characteristics.
Figure 1 Full-size image (27K) Download
to PowerPoint
Table 1Table
Maternal nutrition
There is maternal
undernutrition (body-mass index <18·5 kg/m2) in 10—19% of
women in most low-income and middle-income
countries, with higher prevalence in sub-Saharan
Africa and south Asia. Maternal pre-pregnancy
body-mass index and weight gain during pregnancy
predict birthweight, and balanced energy—protein
supplementation benefits birthweight and reduces
births that are small for their gestational age.
However, there is little information on
associations between maternal nutritional status
and child development. Pre-pregnancy weight and
weight gain in Jamaican women that were mostly
adequately nourished were not associated with
child cognition at age 7 years.15 In
Bangladesh, infants of undernourished mothers
had poorer problem-solving ability at 7 months,16 and
ability was better in infants of mothers given
food supplements early rather than later in
pregnancy. By age 18 months, no effects of
maternal undernutrition or supplementation were
identified.17 Analyses
of the Dutch (1944—45) and Chinese (1959—61)
famines suggest that prenatal nutritional
deficits might have long-term effects on adult
mental health. There is a need for research on
the effect of food supplementation before and
during pregnancy on child development.
About 42% of pregnant
women in low-income and middle-income countries
are anaemic, and, of these, 60% are iron
deficient; however, there is little information
on perinatal iron deficiency and child
development. Lower maternal haemoglobin and
neonatal ferritin predicted lower
intra-individual variability in temperament-like
behaviours in Peruvian infants that suggested
diminished responsiveness.18 In South
Africa, maternal iron-deficiency anaemia at 6—10
weeks post partum was associated with lower
maternal sensitivity and child responsiveness.19 Although
both disorders improved after treatment with
iron, infant development was delayed at age 9
Meta-analyses of 12
randomised controlled trials from low-income and
middle-income countries show that
supplementation with multiple micronutrients in
pregnancy leads to increased birthweight. Trials
of supplementation with multiple micronutrients
during pregnancy in Bangladesh and in pregnant
women in Tanzania infected with HIV suggest
small benefits to infants' motor development,16,
and to mental development in China,22 compared
with iron and folic acid alone. In Peru, zinc
supplementation during pregnancy had no effect
on children's cognitive, social, or behavioural
development at ages 4—5 years.23 In Nepal,
children whose mothers received iron and folate
during pregnancy had better intelligence
quotient (IQ), executive, and motor functioning
than the placebo group at ages 7—9 years;24 provision
of multiple micronutrients or iron plus folate
plus zinc had no benefits, possibly because of
zinc inhibition of iron absorption.
Inadequate intakes of ω3
fatty acids (including α-linoleic acid,
docosahexaenoic acid [DHA], eicosapentaenoic
acid) have been reported in pregnant women in
some low-income and middle-income countries. In
high-income countries, trials of fish oil, DHA,
or DHA and eicosapentaenoic acid showed that
infants born to supplemented mothers had
improvements in visual acuity,25 attention,26 and
aspects of cognitive performance.27
Supplementation with ω3 fatty acids and
micronutrients benefited birthweight and length
and reduced very early preterm births in Chile.
In Mexico, supplementation with ω3 fatty acids
benefited birthweight and head size in
primigravid women only. Information is needed on
possible benefits to infant development.
Infant and child nutrition
In low-income and
middle-income countries, 16% of births are LBW
with rates as great as 27% in south Asia, most
of these births being intrauterine growth
restriction (IUGR)-LBW. A Guatemalan study28 showed
associations between birth size adjusted for
gestational age and development at 6 and 24
months, supporting earlier conclusions that IUGR
is associated with early developmental risk.1
Evidence for longer-term
effects of IUGR is less consistent. Significant
effects of birthweight unadjusted for
gestational age were identified on IQ at age 5
years29 and on
highest school grade achieved.30 However,
contributions of prematurity cannot be
estimated. No significant differences were
identified between term LBW and normal
birthweight children in IQ or parent-reported
behaviour at 6 years in Jamaica,31 or at 8
years in Brazil,32 and no
difference in self-reported behaviour at 12
years in South Africa.33 By
contrast, a large study in Taiwan34 reported
significant small deficits in academic
achievement of term LBW at 15 years. More
evidence is needed on long-term effects of IUGR
in low-income and middle-income countries on IQ,
and specific cognitive and social skills.
About 39% of infants
aged 0—6 months in low-income and middle-income
countries are exclusively breastfed, with wide
variations in duration of exclusive
breastfeeding between countries. In a large
cluster-randomised trial in Belarus,35 clinics
were assigned to breastfeeding promotion or
usual care. Intervention increased exclusive
breastfeeding at 3 months and any breastfeeding
up to 12 months. At age 6·5 years, intervention
children had significantly higher scores on
verbal and full-scale IQ and teacher ratings for
reading and writing. No benefits were identified
for child behaviour.36 In Brazil,
boys breastfed for at least 9 months attained
0·5—0·8 school grades more by 18 years than boys
breastfed for less than 1 month. Regression of
grade level attained on adult income in this
population suggests this difference corresponds
to a 10—15% difference in income.37 These
findings strengthen the evidence for benefits of
breastfeeding to development and educational
In high-income
countries, formula-fed infants given DHA
supplemented formula had better visual acuity,
with greater benefits for preterm infants. There
is little information on essential fatty-acid
intake or the developmental effect in infants
and children from low-income and middle-income
countries. In Turkey, improvements in brainstem
auditory evoked potentials were noted in infants
randomly assigned to receive DHA-supplemented
formula compared with infants receiving
non-supplemented formula.38
Consumption of complementary foods fortified
with micronutrients and essential fatty acids
was associated with improved motor development
in Ghana and China.39, 40
Although it is unclear which nutrients were
responsible for the benefits, supplementation
with essential fatty acids and micronutrients
resulted in earlier walking compared with
micronutrients alone;39 however,
the groups also differed in energy intake.
Linear growth
retardation or stunting is estimated to affect
34% of children younger than 5 years in
low-income and middle-income countries.
Consistent with previous evidence, new
longitudinal studies from Brazil, India, Peru,
and Vietnam show associations between early
height-for-age and cognitive or language ability
at 5 years.
Height before 6 years
was related to age at school enrolment and
grades attained by late adolescence in Zimbabwe.41 New
information also extends the long-term outcomes
associated with stunting, including reduced
likelihood of formal employment at age 20—22
years in the Philippines42 and poorer
psychological functioning in Jamaican
Timing of growth
faltering seems important. In Guatemala, growth
and development were related up to age 24 months
but not from 24 to 36 months.28 Pooled
analyses of five longitudinal studies identified
that a 1 SD increase in weight gain from birth
to 24 months was associated with increased
schooling (0·43 years) and inversely related to
grade failures, whereas growth from 2 to 4 years
had little affect.30 Duration
might also change the effect because Peruvian
children stunted at age 6—18 months, but not at
4·5—6 years, did not differ from children who
were not stunted at either age in vocabulary and
quantitative test scores at 4·5—6 years.
Children stunted at both ages had significantly
lower scores. The timing of catch-up growth is
unknown and might have happened within the first
2 years of life.44
Previous randomised
controlled trials of macronutrient
supplementation to promote better growth
consistently showed concurrent developmental
benefits.1 Follow-up
of a cluster-randomised trial in Guatemala
showed benefits to reading comprehension and
reasoning at 25—42 years in participants
supplemented from birth to 24 months, but not
those supplemented later.45 Men
supplemented throughout the first 3 years earned
higher hourly wages.46 These
findings highlight the importance of adequate
nutrition early in life.
Several studies reported
previously unrecognised behavioural or
neurophysiological alterations with
iron-deficiency anaemia in infancy (webappendix pp 9—28).
Studies in Chile, India, and Mexico identified
electrophysiological evidence of delayed brain
maturation in infants with iron-deficiency
anaemia. Sleep duration improved with iron plus
folic acid or zinc supplementation, but not
both, in trials in Zanzibar and Nepal.47 However,
sleep-state organisation was altered in Chilean
children aged 4 years despite treatment for
iron-deficiency anaemia in infancy.48 Additional
evidence from studies in Chile, India, Mexico,
and Zanzibar showed poorer cognitive, motor, and
social—emotional development associated with
iron-deficiency anaemia in infancy, or the
preschool period. Social—emotional development
improved in Chilean infants with iron-deficiency
anaemia who received home visitation to promote
development, but remained lower than that of
non-anaemic infants. Without home visitation
social—emotional development declined in infants
with iron-deficiency anaemia.49
Costa Rican adolescents
who had chronic, severe iron deficiency with or
without anaemia in infancy showed no catch-up in
motor development despite iron therapy in
infancy,50 poorer
executive functioning and recognition memory at
age 19 years,51 and more
internalising and externalising behaviour
problems in childhood and adolescence.52 A study of
fortification of complementary feeding in China
noted infants whose anaemia did not correct
within 6 months had lower IQ at age 6 years than
those whose anaemia resolved.40
In addition to iron,
many other micronutrients are deficient in
children in low-income and middle-income
countries including zinc, vitamins A, B12, D, E,
riboflavin, and iodine in some regions. Six
randomised and one non-randomised trial of
supplementation with multiple micronutrients or
fortification included three or more
micronutrients and assessed development in
children younger than 5 years (webappendix pp 29—37).
Five of seven studies showed benefits to motor
development. Studies from Bangladesh and India
assessing mental development did not identify
any benefits,53, 54
and one from China identified small benefits for
mental development at 24 months and for IQ at 6
years.40 There are
insufficient data to establish whether
supplementation with multiple micronutrients is
more effective than iron alone in improving
Infectious diseases
Previous evidence of the
effect of diarrhoea on child development was
inconclusive. Additional studies in Brazil noted
associations between the number of diarrhoea
episodes before age 2 years, late school entry,55 deficits
in semantic fluency, and verbal learning,56 adjusting
for socioeconomic status and present nutritional
status. Adjustment for stunting before age 2
attenuates the association between diarrhoea and
intellectual performance.29 A
multicountry study showed that each episode of
diarrhoea in the first 2 years of life
contributes to stunting,57 suggesting
that associations between diarrhoea early in
life and school-age performance might be through
the same processes that cause stunting.
1·2 billion people are
at risk of malaria, with children younger than 5
years at greatest risk. Cerebral or severe
malaria can have serious neurological sequelae
including seizures, and language and cognitive
deficits.1, 58
In Uganda, cognitive training interventions
improved the function of affected children.59
New evidence suggests
that repeated uncomplicated attacks and
asymptomatic parasitaemia (experienced by
millions of children annually) also affect
children's development. In a cross-country
analysis controlling for education quality and
other confounders, grade repetition and primary
school completion rates were related to malaria
Longitudinal studies with school-aged children
from Brazil and Mali have shown associations
between attacks of clinical malaria or
asymptomatic parasitaemia and poorer cognitive
scores and academic performance. Randomised
clinical trials of chemoprophylaxis in
schoolchildren showed significant benefits to
language, mathematics, and attendance in Sri
Lanka,61 and to
attention in Kenya.62
There are fewer studies
with children younger than 5 years. A history of
malaria attacks was associated with poorer
cognitive function at school entry in Sri Lanka,63 and there
were inconsistent associations between
parasitaemia and activity and exploration in
toddlers in Zanzibar.64
Chemoprophylaxis in young children in The Gambia
had later benefits for grades attained65 but not
cognitive function, although duration of
intervention was related to cognitive function.
Although most data come from studies of
school-aged children, malaria attacks are more
common and severe in younger children, and
cognitive effects might be worse. Despite
progress in control programmes, in 18 African
countries surveyed only 23% of children younger
than 5 years and 27% of pregnant women were
sleeping under insecticide-treated nets.
Most studies
investigating other parasitic infections and
child cognitive or social—emotional performance
involve school-age children. The few studies
with young children are inconclusive.1 Although
one additional study from Brazil29 showed an
association between the number of parasitic
infections at 1—3 years and lower IQ at 5 years,
findings were not significant after covariate
control. Evidence is insufficient to establish
if early parasitic infections affect child
An estimated 2·1 million
children younger than 15 years are living with
HIV; however, only 28% of children in low-income
and middle-income countries who need
antiretroviral drugs receive them. HIV infection
affects brain development, leading to cognitive
Detrimental effects of HIV infection on
neurocognitive development were identified in 36
of 43 studies from low-income, middle-income,
and high-income countries.67 We
summarise in the webappendix
(pp 33—37) studies of the development of
children younger than 5 years infected with HIV
from low-income and middle-income countries.
Compared with uninfected children, children
infected with HIV had significantly lower motor
and mental development scores in most studies.
Effects are accentuated by associated illnesses,
poor nutritional status, and adverse living
conditions, including caregiver stress, illness,
and death (co-occurrence or cumulative
In US studies, highly
active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has led to
reduced rates of progressive HIV encephalopathy68 and some
benefits to development.69 Cognitive
function did not change after short-term
treatment (6 months) in South African children;70 however,
benefits to motor and cognitive development were
noted after 1 year in the Democratic Republic of
the Congo with greater benefits in younger
children.71 There is
an urgent need for increased access to treatment
for infected children in low-income and
middle-income countries and further assessment
of the effect of early treatment on development.
Cognitive and motor
deficits have been reported in HIV-exposed
uninfected children in low-income and
middle-income countries including the Democratic
Republic of the Congo72 and
Thailand.73 However,
co-varying risks such as family poverty and
non-parental caregivers were also increased and
other studies have not identified deficits (webappendix pp 33—37).
Many uninfected children are affected by
parental HIV, which can increase exposure to
developmental risks such as poverty,74 disrupted
caregiving,75 and
abandonment.76 In South
Africa, young children in affected households
with caregiver illness or death were at risk for
bullying, mental health problems,77 and abuse,74 and in
Rwanda for emotional and behavioural problems.78 The
restricted financial and social support
available to non-parental caregivers further
challenges the wellbeing of orphans.79
Environmental toxins
Children might be
exposed to environmental toxins
prenatally—through maternal exposure—and
postnatally—through breastmilk, food, water,
house dust, or soil. We previously identified
lead as a risk factor for young children from
low-income and middle-income countries.1 Recent
evidence from Poland has shown that prenatal
exposure to very low concentrations of lead
(<5 μg/dL) can result in poor mental
development in young children.80
Evidence from low-income
and middle-income countries on the effect of
other toxins on early child development is
inconsistent or sparse (webappendix
pp 38—39). Evidence from China shows that
arsenic exposure can compromise cognition in
older children;81 however,
studies from Bangladesh have not identified
significant associations between arsenic
exposure and mental development up to age 2
years.17 Prenatal
exposure to mercury has been linked to low
cognitive performance in infancy and early
childhood in Brazil,82 but
studies from the Seychelles report weak or
inconsistent effects,83 or no
effects.84 In
Ecuador, prenatal exposure to pesticides was
significantly associated with poor communication
and motor skills;85 however,
associations with later development were weaker,85 or
non-significant in Mexico.86 Prenatal
exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons was
associated with slower language and cognitive
development up to age 2 years in China87 and
intelligence at age 5 years in Poland.88
Comparison of findings
is difficult because of variability in exposure
duration, timing, and outcome measures.83
Inconsistent findings might also relate to
differential reactivity, in which effects are
modified by risk factors, such as low
birthweight or malnutrition.85
Alternatively, the effect of toxins might be
reduced when exposure is associated with
protective influences, such as polyunsaturated
fatty acids in mercury contaminated fish, or
better health care for children of mothers
employed on farms. Further evidence is needed of
the effects of toxins on early child development
as well as further assessment of interactions
with other exposures.
In a survey of
disability in 18 low-income and middle-income
countries, 23% of children aged 2—9 years had,
or were at risk for, disabilities. Besides being
a marker for compromised development, childhood
disabilities can reduce access to school or
health services, and increase risk of caregiver
stress and depression89,
(webappendix p 40).
Studies from south Asia suggest that learning
and social integration is also limited by social
stigma89 and
overprotection by parents.90
Although interventions
can promote better function in children with
disabilities, few have been assessed in
low-income and middle-income countries.
Randomised trials suggest more positive
attitudes after interactive group therapy in
parents of children with intellectual
disabilities in India,91 and
benefits from mother—child group intervention or
parent training to child development and
maternal adaptation for children with cerebral
palsy in Bangladesh.92
Quasiexperimental studies of parent-training
programmes have shown some benefits to child
development and maternal behaviour (webappendix p 40).
Evidence on availability
of services is scarce but studies from Pakistan
and South Africa report that few children
receive adequate services.89,
Identifying barriers to accessing services is an
important priority for children with
disabilities. Community-based approaches to
provision of services are discussed in the
second paper in this Series.
Psychosocial factors
Early learning and caregiver—child interaction
Learning opportunities
that facilitate early cognitive development
include caregiver activities and materials
that promote age-appropriate language and
problem-solving skills. Caregiver—child
interactions that facilitate early
social—emotional development include caregiver
positive emotionality, sensitivity, and
responsiveness toward the child, and avoidance
of harsh physical punishment. Lack of early
learning opportunities and appropriate
caregiver—child interactions contribute to
loss of developmental potential.1 We review
new studies that assess the effect of
interventions to increase learning
opportunities and improve caregiver—child
interaction (table
2 and webappendix
pp 41—45). The second paper in the
Series discusses the effectiveness of
interventions that are, or could be,
implemented at scale.
Table 2Table
Studies from
Bangladesh, China, India, and South Africa
have shown that interventions to enhance
mother—child interactions and increase
developmentally facilitative activities
benefit cognitive development when delivered
through home visits,98
individual parent counselling delivered at
health centres,94, 96
or combined approaches.95 Benefits
have been shown in children with risk
conditions such as severe malnutrition,98 LBW,95
iron-deficiency anaemia,49 or HIV
infection.96 Group
parenting education benefited mental
development in one of three studies (webappendix p
In Chile and South
Africa, early interventions to improve
mother—child interaction promoted attachment14 and
social—emotional development,49 although
gains were not identified in Bangladesh.98 A
preschool intervention in Jamaica to promote
social—emotional development reduced
child-behaviour problems.97
Maternal depression
A recent study from
Bangladesh provides further evidence of the
high incidence of maternal depressive symptoms
in many low-income and middle-income
countries. Maternal depressive symptoms are
negatively associated with early child
development and quality of parenting across
different cultures and socioeconomic groups.101 In
Bangladesh, maternal depressive symptoms were
associated with infant stunting, perhaps
related to unresponsive caregiving13 (webappendix p 46).
Risk factors for maternal depression, such as
poverty, low education, high stress, lack of
empowerment, and poor social support101 are
also risk factors for poor child development,
suggesting that the relation between maternal
depression and compromised early child
development is multilevel and cumulative.
Availability of mental
health care is restricted in many low-income
and middle-income countries. In Pakistan and
South Africa, interventions delivered by
community health workers have reduced maternal
depressive symptoms,12,
102 and
improved maternal sensitivity and infant
attachment,14 infant
health, and time spent playing with infants.102
Evidence that symptoms of maternal depression
can be effectively treated in low-income and
middle-income countries, often with restricted
resources and community health workers,
emphasises the need for early identification
and community programmes to reduce the risk of
adverse consequences for mothers and children.
Exposure to violence
Estimates suggest that
300 million children younger than 5 years have
been exposed to societal violence. New studies
further show the adverse consequences of
exposure to violence in young children (webappendix p 47).
Although domestic violence and child abuse
happen in countries of all incomes, we focus
here on societal or community violence that
might be particularly common in low-income and
middle-income countries.
Young children exposed
to societal violence show insecure
increased risk of behaviour problems,104 reduced
levels of prosocial behaviour, and increased
aggressive behaviour.105 The
adverse consequences might result from
disruptions to family structure and function106 that
compromise the adequacy of maternal
childrearing skills,103 and
reduce children's ability to regulate their
own emotions.105
Studies from Israel
and Palestine identified intervention
strategies that can reduce stress reactions
for young children.107,
108 The
effect of exposure to violence can be reduced
by supportive parental reactions and positive
family routines; however, violence can disrupt
the quality of parenting, thereby reducing
families' ability to protect young children
exposed to violence.107
At least 2 million
children are institutionalised in
non-parental-group residential care. This is
probably an underestimate because of
under-reporting and lack of information for
some regions. Use of orphanages and other
institutional care seems to be increasing.
Although children's response to
institutionalisation varies, many show
long-term developmental deficits.109
Institutional rearing starting early in life
increases children's risk for adverse outcomes
including poor growth, ill-health, attachment
disorders, attention disorders, poor cognitive
function, anxiety, and autistic-like behaviour109,
110 (webappendix p 48).
Recent studies of
institutionalised children show the effect of
early experiences on brain development.
Institutional rearing has been associated with
reduced metabolism in the temporal and frontal
cortices, reductions in white-matter
connectivity, reductions in brain electrical
activity, dysregulation of the
hypothalamic—pituitary—adrenocortical system,
and changes in brain volume (particularly the
amygdala; table
3 and webappendix
p 48). Illustrating the translational
processes of timing and cumulative exposure (table 1),
children experiencing longer institutional
placement show larger reductions in left
amygdala volume111 and
greater dysregulation of the
hypothalamic—pituitary—adrenocortical axis,112 whereas
children adopted from institutions before the
second year of life have more normalised
amygdala volume113 and
brain electrical activity.114 Adverse
neural consequences underlie the behavioural
sequelae of early institutionalisation.115
Table 3Table
Improving the
institutional environment (eg, training staff
in sensitive responsive caregiving; increasing
caregiver stability and the caregiver-to-child
ratio) results in significant benefits to
child cognitive and social—emotional
competence.116 Foster
placement and adoption are preferable
alternatives to institutionalisation,109,
particularly if foster and adoptive families
receive adequate support.
Protective influences
Protective factors
attenuate adverse consequences of risk factors.
Although risk and protective factors are
conceptually distinct, many protective factors
are the inverse of risk factors (eg, insecure
attachment vs secure attachment).
Studies in high-income countries have identified
biological, psychosocial, and behavioural
protective factors for young children, but there
are few studies from low-income and
middle-income countries. The protective effects
of breastfeeding and early cognitive and
social—emotional stimulation were reviewed in
previous sections. Maternal education also can
act as a protective factor, reducing child
mortality and promoting early child development
(webappendix pp 49—50).
Young children of
educated mothers have higher levels of cognitive
development than children of less educated
Similarly, high-risk infants121 and young
children122 show
better developmental trajectories when their
mothers have higher levels of education.
In panel 2 we show
the protective mechanisms linking maternal
education and early child development. Children
of less-educated mothers are likely to have
greater exposure to developmental risks and less
access to interventions than children of
more-educated mothers, suggesting that low
maternal education identifies families in need
of intervention.118 However,
poorly educated women might benefit less from
participation in parent-focused programmes than
better-educated women124
(differential reactivity), emphasising the need
for strategies to increase their participation
and learning in early child-development
Panel 2
maternal depression
Lower risk of maternal depression and non-depressed mothers provide a more optimum rearing environment for their children
nutritional status
Infants and young children with better nutritional status
Quality of
child-rearing environment
Greater knowledge about child development
More likely to use developmentally appropriate child-rearing strategies and provide more stimulating home environments
Possess a wider variety of child-rearing strategies
More sensitive to individual differences in children's developmental trajectories
Have higher educational aspirations for their children
Ability to
access and benefit from interventions
More likely to make use of available intervention services; are more likely to be involved in and comply with intervention programmes
Better able to comprehend intervention material (eg, growth charts)
Have greater recall of intervention material
References in the
webappendix pp
Major advances in
neuroscience show how exposure to biological and
psychosocial risk factors, prenatally and during
early childhood, affects brain structure and
function and compromises children's development
and subsequent developmental trajectory. We
summarise in figure
2 how risk and protective factors
encountered before age 5 years compromise
children's development. The greater the exposure
to cumulative risks the greater the inequality,
suggesting that early interventions that prevent
inequality are more effective than later
interventions, which attempt to remedy
cumulative deficits. Risk factors are likely to
co-occur, emphasising the importance of
integrated interventions involving the
simultaneous reduction of multiple risks. The
second paper in the Series discusses integrated
Figure 2 Full-size image (43K) Download
to PowerPoint
Inequalities in
low-income and middle-income countries are
established in early childhood and contribute to
lifetime differences. Accumulated developmental
deficits in early childhood place children on a
lower life-time trajectory with negative
implications for adult cognitive and
psychological functioning, educational
attainment, and subsequent income, thus
contributing to continued inequalities in the
next generation.
In table 4, we list
the risk and protective factors with sufficient
evidence to be priorities for intervention and
summarise the evidence reviewed. Previously
identified key risks (inadequate stimulation,
stunting, iodine deficiency, iron-deficiency
anaemia) remain in need of urgent intervention
to prevent the loss of developmental potential
in millions of young children. Although there
has been recent attention to the effect of early
nutrition on development and health,125
substantial progress in improving development is
unlikely to be made without also increasing
early learning opportunities.126 A
meta-analysis of non-US intervention studies127 showed
that cognitive benefits were greater when
interventions included stimulation or education
components compared with those comprising
nutrition or economic assistance only. This
strengthens the case for integration of
stimulation with economic, nutrition, and health
Table 4Table
New research strengthens
the evidence for prioritisation of interventions
to reduce the levels of IUGR, malaria, maternal
depression, institutionalisation, and exposure
to societal violence and to promote development
in affected children. New research also suggests
the adverse consequences for children infected
with HIV or whose parents are infected. We
highlight the importance of protective factors
such as breastfeeding and higher maternal
education, which can reduce the effect of risks.
Knowledge of risk and protective factors can
inform priorities for programmes and funding to
promote early child development. This knowledge,
plus increased understanding of the neural
consequences of risks, provides persuasive data
for advocacy and the design of early
intervention programmes to reduce developmental
Although effective
interventions exist for some identified risks,
further research is needed to increase our
ability to promote early child development in
low-income and middle-income countries. We list
research priorities in panel
3. There has been little progress in some
previously identified research priorities (eg,
supplementation with multiple micronutrients,
prenatal iron deficiency, and exposure to
toxins). Additional research questions include
the effect of prenatal maternal nutrition and
stress on development, assessment of the effect
of interventions to reduce maternal depression
on child development, and assessment of
strategies to reduce the developmental
consequences for children affected by violence
and for children in families affected by HIV.
Research is also needed to develop strategies to
include children with disabilities in early
child development programmes and provide them
with specialist services, and to identify
additional protective factors in low-income and
middle-income countries.
Panel 3
Effect of food supplementation before and during pregnancy on development of infants and young children.
Effect of prenatal iron deficiency on postnatal cognitive and social—emotional development.
Effect of supplementation with multiple micronutrients in pregnancy on child development by comparison with iron and folic acid alone.
Effect of maternal supplementation with ω3 fatty acids on infant development.
Long-term effects of IUGR on cognitive and social—emotional outcomes.
Effect of improving infant intake of essential fatty acids on development.
Effect of supplementation with multiple micronutrients on development and comparison with effects of iron only.
How to integrate nutrition and psychosocial stimulation programmes at scale.
Effect of malaria prevention strategies on early child development.
Effect of antiretroviral treatment on cognitive and behavioural outcomes and effect of non-medical interventions to promote development in children infected with HIV.
Extent of mental health problems for infants and young children orphaned because of AIDS. Assessment of interventions to support caregivers and promote development of children affected by HIV.
Evidence on effect of toxins is inconsistent possibly because of interactions with other exposures. Longitudinal studies are needed to assess potential moderating variables (eg, nutrition).
Assessment of the effect of interventions for children with disability and their families.
Identification of barriers to accessing general services (eg, primary health care) as well as specialist services.
opportunities and stimulation
Modification of interventions to facilitate expansion, and assessment of effectiveness of programmes at scale.
More evidence on the effect of early interventions on social and emotional development.
Assessment of effect of interventions to reduce depressive symptoms on child development and identification of strategies to expand access.
Evidence needed on the neural and developmental effect of violence exposure on children younger than 5 years and on effective treatment strategies for young children exposed to violence.
Need to identify additional protective factors for outcomes related to early child development in low-income and middle-income countries.
Without the threats of
biological and psychosocial risks, and with a
caregiving environment that supports cognitive
and social—emotional development, children
experience healthy brain development that
enables them to reach toward their developmental
potential. With this strong foundation, they
build lifespan developmental trajectories that
enable them to benefit from family, community,
and educational opportunities (figure 2).
Effective interventions to promote early child
development in low-income and middle-income
countries exist either at scale or are
potentially scalable. Interventions to reduce
risks and support early child development will
yield lifetime gains that contribute to the
achievement and sustainability of improved
development in the next generation. By investing
in early child development programmes, we have
an opportunity to break the cycle of inequities
that has dominated the lives of millions of
children and families in low-income and
middle-income countries.
Search strategy and selection criteria
We searched
relevant databases (eg, PubMed,
PsychInfo, Cochrane Review) with
multiple search terms for articles
published since 2005. The search terms
we used were linked to each of the
risk or protective factors: “child
development”, “child behaviour”,
“infant behaviour”, “cognition”,
“social”, “emotional”, “intelligence”,
“language”, and “motor development”.
We searched citation lists of articles
retrieved and review articles
published since the last Series for
further references. We included
earlier key publications in which the
risk or protective factor was not
reviewed in the previous Series. We
include only risk and protective
factors that can be modified by
interventions or public policy and
which affect large numbers of children
younger than 5 years in low-income and
middle-income countries. We consider
exposures in utero to age 5 years and
focus on research done in low-income
and middle-income countries. Although
many of the risk and protective
factors we considered are also
relevant to children's health
outcomes, we focus on children's
cognitive, motor, and social—emotional
All authors participated
in the review of published work, and drafting and
review of the report. SPW and TDW are the lead
authors of this report and were responsible for
the final draft and the decision to submit for
publication. SG-M and MMB provided critical
revision of the text. Reviews and drafting of
individual topics were as follows: Brain
development CAN and TDW; maternal undernutrition
SG-M; micronutrients SG-M and MMB; essential fatty
acids SLH; IUGR SPW; breastfeeding CAP; stunting
SG-M; iron deficiency BL; diarrhoea MMB; malaria
SG-M; other parasitic infections TDW; HIV JMM and
LR; toxins JDH; disabilities HB-H; early learning
opportunities SPW, SMC, and HBH; maternal
depression AR; violence JMM and TDW;
institutionalisation CAN, SG-M, and LR; and
protective factors TDW. The steering committee of
the Global Child Development Group
coordinated the writing of the report in this
Conflicts of
We declare that we have no
conflicts of interest.
We thank Amika Wright for
assistance with referencing and Anna Quigg for
assistance with figure
2. A meeting of all authors to discuss review
findings and coordinate the report was held in
Jamaica in December, 2009, with the support of the
Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN),
UNICEF, the Bernard van Leer Foundation, and the
University of the West Indies. A follow-up steering
committee meeting was held in May, 2010, with the
support of UNICEF, the Bernard van Leer Foundation,
and the Child Health and Nutrition Research
Initiative. The sponsors had no role in the design
and conduct of the review, interpretation and
writing or the decision to submit for publication.
HBH was supported by a Wellcome Trust Fellowship (#
080534/Z/06/Z). We thank the Global Child
Development Group Secretariat for coordinating the
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a Tropical Medicine
Research Institute, The University of the West
Indies, Kingston, Jamaica
b Department of
Psychological Sciences, Purdue University, West
Lafayette, IN, USA
c Institute of Child
Health, London, UK
d Department of
Pediatrics, University of Maryland, College Park,
e Children's Hospital
Boston/Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA
f Department of
Nutrition, University of California, Davis, CA,
g Child Development
Unit, ICDDR,B, Dhaka, Bangladesh
h Center for Human
Growth and Development, Department of Pediatrics,
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
i Caribbean Child
Development Centre, The University of the West
Indies, Open Campus, Jamaica
j Institute of
Psychology, Health, and Society, University of
Liverpool, Liverpool, UK
k Human Sciences
Research Council & University of the
Witwatersrand, South Africa
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